Fox News fired Trump’s press secretary Kyle McKinney

  • Fox News on Monday fired President Trump’s press secretary Kylie McKennie for pursuing unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
  • “I can’t show you in this good condition,” Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto told a news conference.
  • There is no evidence of mass voter fraud in the election, and Trump was defeated by President-elect Joe Biden.
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On Monday, Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto pulled out of a press briefing featuring Kyle McCann, the White House press secretary and Trump campaign spokesman, as she continued to advance baseless allegations of campaign fraud.

“She has been charged with fraud and illegal voting. I can’t continue to show you this unless she has more details,” Kevoto told a news conference. Which he described as an “explosive” expense from McNee.

“Not so fast,” Kevoto added.

McKinney suggested, without evidence, that Democrats welcomed “fraud” and “illegal voting” in the 2020 election.

“We want every legal vote to be counted,” McNanny said, referring to President Donald Trump’s unsatisfactory claim that the vote for President-elect Joe Biden was illegal.

However, many major newspapers, including Fox News, have declared Biden the expected winner of the 2020 election, with Trump refusing to accept and denying the results.

Fox News opinion hosts like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have backed Trump on his baseless claim that the election was stolen from him. No evidence has been presented to substantiate the allegations of fraud in the Trump campaign and there has been little success in attempts to present legal challenges against the election results. Many lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign have already been dismissed because of a lack of competence.

Trump has also falsely claimed that he has won the election. Meanwhile, many world leaders have congratulated Bryden on his victory, including Broaden’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Some Republicans in Congress have backed down on Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations of fraud and extended their congratulations to Biden.

Maine’s G.O.P. Sen. “I congratulate President-elect Biden on his clear victory – he loves this country, and I wish him every success,” Susan Collins said in a statement on Monday. Sen. Susan Collins said in a statement Monday.

“Presidential transitions are important, and every opportunity should be given to ensure that the president-elect and vice-president-elect are ready to rule on January 20.”

But a number of leading G.O.P. Legislators are backing the president despite his lack of evidence – including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“President Trump has 100% in his right to investigate allegations of irregularities and to reduce the weight of his legal options,” McConnell said Monday.

There is no evidence of major irregularities or mass voter fraud regarding the 2020 election results.

Voter fraud is extremely rare in the U.S., however, for months the president has made baseless claims that the extended reach of mail-in voting amid the Covid-19 epidemic will lead to widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Trump also refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power before election day.

Before the polls closed in November, the president repeatedly hinted that the election would be “tough” against him if he lost, but there was no evidence to support such claims.