‘Fortnite’ Season 4 Rumored To Wonder-Themed With Thor, Wolverine

Marvel and DC have been battling various Fortnite crossovers for a few years now. This season alone, we saw Aquaman as a battle pass to unlock skin, Captain America sold out on the Fourth of July, and then the reveal of a Poison Ivy / Joker suit for November.

But Marvel might be able to follow a whole Infinity Gauntlet of crossovers.

According to dataminer and leaker HypeX, he claims to have a source who told him that Chapter 2, will be Season 4 heavy Marvel themed.

Among the revelations / potential confirmations:

– Some players / miners have encountered a Thor / Galactus comic in-game that is not technically intended to be live yet. There’s an audio file that looks like Galactus if you put it through a spectrograph

– Thor’s Bifrost was tested in the trailer for Captain America.

– The same source who told HypeX about the comic strip before it appeared is the one who said that the whole slapstick here might be Marvel-themed.

– One curly skin is Wolverine, complete with a claw pickaxe, which can be the secret skin for the season, like an upcoming store skin.

Fortnite has already done one crossover with Crystal Dynamics’ Avengers game so far, releasing a pickaxe for beta gameplay. The Avengers game will be released just a few days after the start of Fortnite season 4, with any delays excluded

All of this leads to a conclusion that Epic and Marvel are still doing their biggest crossover, and that we might end up with a battle pass that is majority Marvel as heavy Marvel ahead. Word is the opening film of the season is a girl who is rescued by the heroes.

What interests me most here are two things, Galactus and Wolverine.

It’s rumored that Galactus is Thanos’ next big bad from the next phase of the MCU, so I have to wonder if Marvel is starting to post that here via Fortnite.

Wolverine is an interesting addition because the X-Men, including Wolverine, are pretty much in limbo with the movies (short of New Mutants) pretty much over and Marvel is gearing up to introduce the X-Men in the MCU, but not for a few more years.

I do not know how the Fortnite community will react to this when it expands. On the one hand, people love Marvel and its Marvel superheroes. On the other a business crossover that takes over a heel season of the game it seems to be a bit much, and there may be some pushback from those who wish Fortnite would continue to build its own world and lore and characters instead of spending an entire season on essentially a giant Disney ad. But we’ll see, and we’ll probably see soon, given that the end of the season is almost at hand.

Follow me on Twitter, YouTube en Instagram. Picking up my sci-fi novels Herokiller en Herokiller 2, and read my first series, The Earthborn Trilogy, which is also on audiobook.