Ford 7.3-liter V-8 available as box engine

Ford unveiled a new 7.3-liter gasoline-powered, naturally aspirated V-8 engine for its Super Duty trucks in 2019. Nicknamed “Godzilla,” the pushrod unit immediately piqued our interests, standing out for the most part diesel. , turbocharged competitors. Now the engine is finally available to buy directly from Ford.

The 7.3-liter V-8 recently appeared on Ford Performance’s parts and accessories site as a fully assembled box engine, priced at $ 8,150. Powered by 430 horsepower and 475 pound-feet of Torque As found on the F-250, the package includes ignition coils, cables, an oil pan, an oil cooler, the throttle and intake body, and both exhaust manifolds.

Although originally designed for trucking applications, Ford’s 7.3-liter V-8 benefits from the same compact block camshaft design found in Chevy’s iconic LS engines, which means it could fit a variety of engine bays, if you replace that long oil pan with something a little shorter, that is. And as we’ve seen in the past, the engine can generate over 600 horsepower after a few simple modifications.

In a world where turbochargers and small commutes reign supreme, we’re glad Ford can still offer something like this. According to the company’s website, it is now available for purchase.

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