For Biden’s running mate, the safest choice might be the safe bet.

WASHINGTON – With 18 days until the Democratic convention begins, no one knows who Joe Biden chooses as his running mate.

Kamala Harris? Elizabeth Warren? Karen Bass? Susan Rice? Val Demings? Someone else?

But at least if recent history is a guide, the safe bet is that Biden’s selection will be fairly mainstream when it comes to experience, qualifications, and name identification.

For the most part, the candidates ahead in the presidential race opt for the safe and conventional option, whether it finally works for them or not. (And by “conventional,” we mean “not surprisingly” or “less politically risky.” If Biden chooses a woman of color, of course, she would make history.)

Think of Joe Biden for Barack Obama in 2008. Or Tim Kaine for Hillary Clinton in ’16.

And the candidates behind are trying something else.

Consider Joe Lieberman for Al Gore in 2000. Or Sarah Palin for John McCain in 2008. Or even Paul Ryan for Mitt Romney in 2012, or Jack Kemp for Bob Dole in 1996.

All the nominees tried to shake up the race in which they were clearly behind.

But that also brings us to one of our favorite lessons about veepstakes: Since we’ve all been covering American politics, the election of the vice president ultimately doesn’t matter who wins or loses.

After all, if it really mattered, then Michael Dukakis (with his Lloyd Bentsen pick) would have beaten George HW Bush (with Dan Quayle).

Final words of John Lewis

The late John Lewis representative, D-Ga., Wrote an essay for the New York Times that was requested to be published on the day of his funeral, which takes place today in Atlanta.

Here are Lewis’s final words:

“When historians pick up their pens to write the history of the 21st century, let them say that it was their generation that finally imposed the heavy burdens of hatred and that peace finally triumphed over violence, aggression and war. So I tell you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of eternal love be your guide.

Tweet of the day

Downloading data: the numbers you need to know today

4,377,969: The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, according to the latest data from NBC News and health officials. (That’s 70,016 more cases than yesterday morning).

152,247: The number of deaths in the United States from the virus so far. (That’s 1,446 more than yesterday morning).

53.83 million: The number of coronavirus tests that have been administered in the United States so far, according to researchers from the COVID Monitoring Project.

$ 8 billion: The amount in the Republican bill of aid to the Senate coronavirus dedicated to military weaponry, which provoked the anger of the Democrats.

Over $ 1,200: What President Trump says that direct payments to Americans can end in the aid bill, although he faces resistance to that spending from his own party.

570 percent: Stock levels at Kodak skyrocketed after the administration announced an agreement with the photography innovator to produce ingredients for generic drugs.

About 20 percent: The proportion of prisoners in New Jersey who could be released to avoid the virus under the new legislation

Vision 2020: Democrats summarize timeline for upcoming convention

The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday night outlined its agenda for the (mostly virtual) convention that begins on August 17, according to NBC’s Marianna Sotomayor.

Monday, August 17: Opening ceremonies, committee reports, selected speakers

Tuesday, August 18: opening speech, nomination and kidnapping of speeches, nominal vote for the nominee

Wednesday, August 19: vice-presidential nomination, vice-presidential address

Thursday, August 20: acceptance speech of the presidential candidate

Ben Kamisar Advertising Clock

Today’s Ad Watch is a breath of fresh air.

The Kansas Republican Senate primaries have been filled with high stakes, brutal attacks and some possible Democratic meddling. But this new ad from businessman Bob Hamilton forgets most of that for a moment.

The silly place begins with two men fishing talking about Hamilton, the “crazy conservative, who supports Trump, who loves the United States and who waves the flag,” only for the man himself to fly to show off his waterskiing skills and his love for Trump. Hamilton dodges alongside them, waving an American flag with both hands and using only his foot to hold the rope, all while being towed by a boat flying a Trump flag.

It includes a brief dig into the main candidates of the race, Roger Marshall and Kris Kobach. But the tone certainly stands out amid the harsh attack announcements that have covered the radio waves.

And it’s also a reminder that while Marshall and Kobach have taken center stage, Hamilton has actually spent more on the airwaves than the two campaigns combined, according to Advertising Analytics. That has been a thorn for Marshall and his supporters, considering that Hamilton has spent some of that money attacking the party seat election of the party.

Mask please!

After Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, tested positive for the coronavirus on Wednesday, after refusing to wear a mask across the Capitol during the pandemic, a new mask mandate for the House went into effect.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, announced that as of Wednesday, everyone entering the House office buildings will wear a mask at all times. In addition, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters that the White House is offering to provide rapid tests for coronavirus to Congress. “If Leader McConnell and President Pelosi consider that initiative, we would be delighted to help with that. I just spoke to Leader McCarthy and offered him the availability of some additional testing capacity so that members can conduct their business as they have to be here on a regular basis. “

(And check out the Political quotes from Congress attendees who are outraged by the lack of masks and security on Capitol Hill.)

As for the coronavirus relief negotiations, Republicans and Democrats are not close to a deal. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that after his third day of talks with Democrats, “we don’t have an agreement on anything.” And the $ 600 weekly federal unemployment benefit expires on Friday.

The Lid: technological shipwreck

Don’t miss out on yesterday’s pod, when we saw the growing caution of Americans from Big Tech.

ICYMI: What else is happening in the world?

Joe Biden’s campaign is on television in Ohio, reports Mike Memoli of NBC.

And the Lincoln Project is calling Senator Susan Collins a “Trump puppet” in a new ad campaign.

Trump wants a more generous coronavirus aid package for renters and the unemployed, but some Republicans give him an icy reception.

Here’s the latest on the feds v. Portland.

Politico analyzes Chris Dodd’s role as one of Biden’s leading experts.

A founder of the pro-Trump group Turning Point USA died of complications related to the coronavirus.

The Washington Post asks if Democrats are making the right investments to appeal to Latinos.

Judge Ginsburg is back in the hospital for a non-surgical procedure.

The Boston Globe backed Ed Markey. Joe Kennedy is not happy about that.