Florida coronavirus: Miami hospitals reach 95% of capacity, says mayor

The demographic group with the highest infection rate is people between the ages of 18 and 34, who represent 27% of the population, Suarez said.

Arizona and Texas counties bring refrigerated trucks as morgues fill

“They go back to the house and infect everyone in the house,” Suarez said.

Surveys show that 33.7% of respondents report being infected by a family member, Suarez said, stressing the importance of disinfection measures in the home.

Florida is recovering from the pandemic, with 315,775 positive coronavirus cases reported across the state, according to statistics released Thursday by the Florida Department of Health. That’s an increase of 13,965 cases from the day before.

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A total of 8,626 people are currently hospitalized across the state.

On Thursday, the Florida Department of Health reported 156 new deaths since Wednesday, the most in a 24-hour period. The previous high number of daily deaths was 132 on Tuesday. A total of 4,677 coronavirus-related deaths have been reported in the state.

DeSantis says labs may lose contracts

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said Wednesday that some of the private labs the state is using to process coronavirus test results may lose their contracts if they do not provide results within two days.

“We need to retrieve these test results in a timely manner,” DeSantis said at a press conference.

DeSantis also applauded the positive antibody test results, calling it a “good sign.” Antibody tests determine if a person had Covid-19 in the past, after the infection is gone.

“That creates resistance in terms of the disease’s ability to spread,” said DeSantis.

However, researchers, including the World Health Organization, have repeatedly said that there is no evidence to show that previous infection and the development of antibodies make someone immune to future infections.

A study by the Spanish government suggested that antibodies against the coronavirus decrease after a few weeks.
