Feinstein: Letting Americans sue China for the coronavirus response would be a “big mistake”

Allowing citizens to sue China for the damage caused by the new coronavirus would be counterproductive and open up the United States to the same level of scrutiny as other countries in the world, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Said Thursday.

Feinstein, whose comments were made during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, said: “We launched a series of unknown events that could be very, very dangerous. I think this is a huge mistake.”

“Where I live … we have China as a potential trading partner,” he said earlier. “As a country that has lifted tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time. And as a country that is becoming a respectable nation among other nations. And I deeply believe it. I have been to China several times. I’ve studied the problems. “

Feinstein claimed that other countries, including China, may decide to use the new legal precedent against the US, triggering a chain reaction, resulting in global chaos.

His comments come three months after Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican, provided a statement to Fox News about a lawsuit he filed against China on behalf of the state, saying the COVID-19 impact has caused the infection. of thousands of Missouri residents. , murdered and financially devastated.

“In Missouri, the impact of the virus is very real: thousands have been infected and many have died, families have been separated from their dying loved ones, small businesses are closing their doors, and those who live from one salary to another are struggling to put food on your table, “he wrote.


After the lawsuit was filed, an article published in the Global Times, which is a branch of the People’s Daily of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), said the nation is “extremely dissatisfied with the abuse of litigation” by the American leaders, “and is considering punitive countermeasures against US individuals, entities, and state officials, including Schmitt.

As the partisan divide over China continues to deepen, Democrats have refrained from condemning the CCP’s actions, while Senate Republicans, along with members of the Trump administration, have chosen to confront the Chinese government.

In addition to Schmitt’s efforts, GOP Sens. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., And Rich Scott, R-Fla., Have been publicly critical of the CCP, with Scott going so far as to present a Senate bill. to protect vaccine research from Chinese spies and infiltrators.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also took a tough line against China, warning state governors of China’s sophisticated practices regarding US infiltration and then alleging that the CCP represents a real “risk” to the security of states. United.

In 2018, President Trump criticized Feinstein for having a Chinese spy on his staff as his driver. Feinstein was said to be “mortified” when he heard the news, according to Politico. The FBI could not charge the individual, but Feinstein “forced him to withdraw,” a source told the San Francisco Chronicle.


Feinstein’s comments come as the results of a new Pew Research Center survey were released, showing that more than three-quarters of American adults blame the Chinese government for the worldwide spread of the coronavirus and more than 60 percent of respondents said the country has done a poor job. managing the aftermath of the outbreak.

The survey, which surveyed 1,003 people and was conducted from June 16 to July 14, showed that 73 percent of US adults have an unfavorable view of China, marking the most negative rating in the 15 years that the Pew Research Center has conducted surveys on the subject.

Fox News’ Dom Calicchio contributed to this report.