Fauci says he is “walking a tightrope” as people try to “face it” against President Trump

“I am a non-political person,” Fauci told O’Donnell. “It is quite difficult to walk a tightrope while trying to get your message across and people are trying to pit you against the president.”

“It is very stressful,” said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the extensive and revealing interview that included his wife, bioethicist Dr. Christine Grady.

Fauci was targeted by the White House this week when unidentified employees on Monday released the “opposition investigation” into the doctor to reporters listing perceived errors in Fauci’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Then, the White House’s top business adviser, Peter Navarro, openly attacked Fauci Tuesday in an op-ed in USA Today. “” Dr. Anthony Fauci has good manners with the public, but he has been wrong about everything that I have interacted with, “Navarro wrote in the opinion piece.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has said he has a “very good” relationship with Fauci, who has not met with the president in more than a month.

Fauci, for the most part, agreed with that assessment.

“You know, it’s complicated. Because in some ways I have a very good relationship with him. During the times when I saw him pretty well, it was a pretty collegial relationship. And in many ways, he probably still is, but I don’t see him much anymore. “, said.

New Survey Reaffirms that Most Americans Don't Trust the President, But They Do Trust Dr. Fauci

After weeks of Trump saying the pandemic is under control as it resurfaces in some parts of the country, filling hospitals to the limit of capacity and forcing states to reverse reopens, Fauci has consistently warned of the increasing number of cases. and he urged Americans to take the revival seriously, contradicting the president’s statements about the deadly virus multiple times.

But he told O’Donnell that he doesn’t care about losing his job.

“I don’t see any termination in the near future because I judge [my career] for my energy and my effectiveness. And now, with all due modesty, I think I am quite effective, “he said.

“I’m certainly energetic. And I think everyone thinks I’m doing more than outstanding work. I have a wife with incredibly good judgment, who will probably give me the signal when it’s time to quit. But I don’t think we’re close to that in this moment, “said Fauci, 79.

The president cannot fire Fauci from his job with NIAID, but the doctor said he is willing to resign from the White House coronavirus workforce, if Trump asked him to.

In several candid moments, Fauci and Grady discussed their personal lives, including how they met in 1983 at the National Institutes of Health while treating a patient, fell in love, married two years later, and had three daughters.

Grady said that when Fauci first called her at her office after the patient’s visit, she was afraid he would be fired. Instead, he invited her to dinner.

“Because it was love at first sight,” Fauci laughed. “She was smart, beautiful, spoke multiple languages, and had a wonderful attitude by the bed. I immediately said,” It’s a good start, so I have to go out with her. ”

The couple told O’Donnell that they walk every day to keep fit and their favorite food is pasta with a glass of wine.

Fauci also revealed his best achievement.

“My proudest achievement is probably my children,” he said. “And I am also proud of what I have done on the job. I have come a long way in terms of my career.”

Fauci has worked in public health for the past 40 years and advised six presidents on national and global health issues.
