“Fathomless Dark Creations of the Universe” – The Man Who Achieved Those Who Exist (Feature of the Week)

Milky Way Central Black Hole Region

One of the most extraordinary achievements of modern science was the blurry orange image of the monster black hole in the center of the giant elliptical Galaxy M87 captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) on April 10, 2019. This image is an epic example of the ability of the human species to visualize the existence of an object that not long ago, scientists the size of Einstein, believed that “does not exist in the real world,” or that no incomprehensible dark creation exists. A very real, violent center of our home galaxy.

The man who showed that black holes exist

This week, the Nobel Committee recognized three scientists, awarding half of its physics to Roger Penrose of Oxford University, who showed that black holes exist, and half went to the Max Planck Institute’s Reinhard Gઝnzel and G ગયાtler The director, Andrea Gage, who provided convincing evidence of the supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A *, with a million million times our Sun, became smaller in one space. Our solar system, at the center of the galaxy.

“Gateway to Eternity” – Black Hole Discovery Leads to Three 2020 Nobel Prizes in Physics

Extremely important contribution from Einstein

Roger Penrose used intelligent mathematical methods in his evidence that black holes are a direct result of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the Nobel Prize Committee said. “Einstein himself did not believe that black holes really existed, that these super-heavyweight monsters captured everything that entered them. Nothing can escape, not even light. In January 1965, ten years after Einstein’s death, Penrose proved that black holes do indeed form and describe them in detail; At their heart, black holes hide the unity in which all known laws of nature are closed. His groundbreaking article is considered to be the most important contribution to the general theory of relativity since Einstein. “

“Beyond the Scientific Mainstream”

“Roger Penrose is always ready – if not happy – to stay out of the scientific mainstream,” observes Dan Hooper, a physicist at the University of Chicago and senior scientist and head of the theoretical astrophysics group at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. , An email to the Daily Galaxy. “He did this in the 1960s when he – rightly – argued that big stars would eventually become black holes. More recently, he has expressed skepticism about the traditional view that our very early universe went through an era of global inflation, during which space expanded exponentially. Instead, he speculates that the Big Bang is not the beginning of our universe.

“Eri Orange Shadow” – M87s Iconic Black Hole Image Tests

There was also a bold, speculative side of Penrose that Dan Hooper emphasized Einstein’s observation that the human scientific conception is “a preview of suggestions” suggesting that an extinct universe exists with hidden, haunted black holes and images. Big Bedding can cause the collapse of foreign cultures from prehistoric times. Penrose estimates that any culture we can find by definition would be millions to billions of years older than Earth, probably encoded in photons.

“It happened yesterday” – Sir Roger Penrose and J. Rogan

If Stephen Hawking was Alive

“If Stephen Hawking were alive,” Harvey astrophysicist and director of the Black Hole Initiative at Harvard wrote in an email to Davy Galaxy, “he would be a very strong contender for this year’s award because his work was parallel. Penrose on classical general relativity with the addition of aspects.

Penrose saves our ability to predict the future around the world

Says Loeb, “Roger Penrose’s mathematical work on general relativity was revolutionary in improving our theoretical understanding of black holes. In 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a paper in Annals MF Mathematics questioning the existence of black holes! Penrose demonstrated that he was a strong predictor of the general theory of relativity and invented a new mathematical tool to represent space-time called the Penrose diagram. He also showed that a person could fly out of a spinning black hole, resembling a flywheel , It can play an important role in empowering some of the brightest quarters in the universe. His hypothesis of cosmic censorship saves our ability to predict the future of the entire universe from the pathology of loneliness associated with black holes, where Einstein’s theory breaks down and cannot predict the future. “

Penerose’s guess, Loeb observes. “Emphasizes that all the abnormalities behind the event horizon are hidden and therefore the objects around them have no effect on what happens outside the horizon. As in Las Vegas, “whatever happens within the horizon stays within the horizon.”

The black holes conclude to Loeb, “There is a new boundary. A closer look would be worth noting, especially if it is in our solar system. ”

The chaotic center of the galaxy

When Ganzel and Gaz discovered the galaxies that move at amazing speeds in this region of our galaxy, called Sagittarius A *, they speculated that it could only make sense in the presence of a supermassive black hole.

“Strange” – Strange Ob objects found near the supermassive black hole of the Milky Way

In the Atlantic, Marina Koren writes, ‘Our nearest black hole poses no threat to Earth. “There is no known black hole. If anything, we benefit from their existence. Collisions of black holes and neutron stars help disperse heavy elements such as gold and platinum. These elements make up our earth and our own. “

The image at the top of the page is an imprint of artist Jack Siuro on G-Objects with red artist centers, revolving around a supermassive black hole represented as a black area inside a white ring in the center of our galaxy. This is a new class of strange objects in orbit around the center of our galaxy about 100 to 1000 years old, not far from Sagittarius A *, which most of the time feels compact and stretches when their orbit brings them closer to a black hole.

The Daily Galaxy, by Max Goldberg, The New York Times, Atlantic and Scientific American

Image Credit, Text, Event The Horizon Telescope (EHT) shows a faint orange image of a monster black hole in the center of a giant elliptical Galaxy M87 captured on April 10, 2019.