Fall Guys gets a skin from Portal 2, update coming this week with requested features

By Stephany Nunneley, Sunday, 23 August 2020 15:31 GMT

A Fall Guys cross-over with Portal 2 has produced a nice new skin that is now available. There will also be a new update to the game with requested features.

Mediatonic has released a new skin for Fall Guys and her P-body, which is one of the subjects in Portal 2.

The skin costs you 10 crowns, five for the top, and five for the bottom half. It is available for PC and PlayStation 4.

An update is also in the works that will implement requested features, such as the option to unlock inverted controls on PS4.

The update will also adjust Slime Climb so players can no longer grip some of the moving obstacles. A few Jump Showndowsn fixes have been implemented, the “top-5” crash issues have been fixed, and the Speed ​​Nerve has been removed for the Yellow Team.

You can view all the changes that are expected to fall in the next week.

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