Fall Guys Dev difficult to clear Team Yellow

Update: It seems that this whole situation has been a joke as the Fall Guys account just tweeted that “you are all on Team Yellow” after reaching one million followers. Perhaps the possibility of a world without Team Yellow was never within our reach

Original story: Fall Guys’ infamous Team Yellow could get the bile, according to Mediatonic. The official account behind the game said they will remove the color from team games if the tweet below gets one million retweets.

This situation started out as a joke earlier in the week, but has grown into something real. “It was a joke … but … if the tweet gets 1 million retweets, do I feel we should do that sort of thing? One million retweets would make it the 19th most retweeted tweet in the entire history of Twitter, “the account tweeted on August 18th. “You can not argue with that, can you?”

Team Yellow has been the subject of scrutiny since Fall Guys launched on August 4th. Players have said that they always lose when playing Fall Ball, Egg Scramble, as another team game where their little player has a golden tint. Mediatonic’s internal data say otherwise.

“We checked the stats and Team Yellow is just as good at winning as anyone else,” Fall Guys lead game designer Joe Walsh told GameSpot last week. The studio said it had kept an eye on the growing meme and that apparently led to this challenge.

The tweet stands at nearly 180,000 retweets at the moment, which is a long way from one million.

A popular meme has grown out of the Team Yellow craze. Players have said they will intentionally sabotage their squad when they end up on Team Yellow to keep the joke going. This is another impressive show from Guys’ Guys Social Media team – they did not have much trouble keeping the game in public.

If you have trouble securing a crown, check out our tips for all rounds of Fall Guys.

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Spilet no: Fall Guys Team Yellow Drama, Nije prins fan Perzië Listing, en vampire: The Masquerade’s Fired Writer | Steat opslaan

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