Fact check: Interrupted by shootings, Trump spins through with false narrative round game and coronavirus via mail

Trump made a false claim in the opening minutes of the briefing, wrongly saying that it is easy for foreign countries to interfere with mail-in votes. After being kicked out of the room because of a Secret Service shooting at the White House, he returned to make a whole bunch more.

Trump issued a total of at least 12 false submissions. That number may well rise if we have the transcript down.

Trump said China wants him to lose the election, adding, “You know who else is not happy with our win? Russia.”

Facts first: The US intelligence community says the opposite about Russia. The top election of the intelligence community, a Trump appointee, announced in a statement last week that Russia was actively working to serenade Trump’s opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden.

“We note that Russia is using a variety of measures to denigrate Vice President Biden and what it sees as an anti-Russia ‘establishment,'” said William R. Evanina, director of the National Center for Counter-Intelligence and Security, in ‘ the statement.

The U.S. intelligence community also found that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Trump; special advice Robert Mueller’s inquiry and a bipartisan report of the First Committee of the First Chamber came to the same conclusion.
And Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed in 2018 that he wanted to win Trump in 2016.

Evanina’s statement last week said China “has the preference” that Trump lose in 2020 because China considers him “unpredictable.” However, it did not say that China was actively working to defeat Trump as Russia was actively working to defeat Biden.

Virginia voting applications

Trump sought to discredit the new e-mail ballot by citing reports that half a million unsolicited absentee ballots with misinformation were sent to Virginia voters by a third-party organization.

“This was an unusual mailing flub that raised concerns about the integrity of expanding voice efforts for mail-in and mail-in,” Trump said, calling it “a disaster throughout Virginia.”

Facts first: It is true that about half a million absent voting applications were sent to Virginia voters that contained incorrect information about the return address of the local election office. What Trump did not mention is that the ballot box applications were sent by a third-party organization, or that the Department of Elections had refused the mailer.

An organization called the Center for Voter Information recently sent out about half a million absent voting applications to Virginia voters, many of which contained incorrect information.

The Center for Voter Information published a statement last Thursday acknowledging that “about half a million applications sent to eligible voters in Virginia contained incorrect information,” and attributed the error to “errors in our programming.” The group added that “we know voters are on high alert as they approach the November elections, and we regret that we added to any confusion.”
The Virginia Department of Elections also made it clear in a statement that it was not involved with the mailers. “The Center for Voter Information has recently emailed missing voting applications to Virginia residents. The Virginia Department of Elections has no affiliation with this group and does not coordinate with third-party groups on campaign efforts,” the agency wrote.

In its statement, the agency also said that “All applications received in the office from the wrong location will be forwarded directly to the appropriate office for processing.”

The ‘1917 ‘Pandemic and World War II

Trump said, as he has said several times in the past, that this is the worst pandemic since “1917” – then added that the “1917” pandemic “probably ended World War II.”

Facts first: It is known to have caused a massive flu pandemic tens of millions of deaths worldwide in 1918 and 1919, not 1917; there has been research suggest that this flu circulated in 1917, but it caused its great destruction in the next two years. Of course, this pandemic did not end with the ‘Second World War’, which took place from 1939 to 1945; it have soldiers sick in the last year of the First World War

Trump also repeated several false claims he had made many times before. Here’s a brief look at the facts:

Foreign countries and e-mail voting

Trump claimed that mail-in voting was “something that could easily be attacked by foreign countries.”

Facts first: Experts say that voting security measures and the different nature of voting in each jurisdiction – they use different paperwork, have named different candidates, use different security coding – make it extremely difficult for foreign countries to interest them.

Trump’s own officials have also denied the possibility that foreign powers could intervene en masse to produce false ballots and send them to voters and electoral authorities.

Democrats and the election

After being asked about the assessment of Russia’s intelligence in the elections, Trump suggested that “I will tell you who was involved in our elections: The Democrats are interfering with them. By wanting to and to to send post-in votes, where corruption is everywhere. ”

Facts first: This is nonsense. Democrats do nothing wrong by trying to get more people to vote at home during a pandemic.
CNN has repeatedly checked Trump’s false post-in-the-poll statements. You can read more here.

A congress primarily in New York

Trump claimed there were thousands of “missing” and “fraudulent” votes in the primary New York Democratic congressional winner won by rep. Carolyn Maloney.

Facts first: There has been no proof to this day of fraudulent voting in the New York premieres, much less is the kind of widespread voter fraud that Trump has wrongly inflicted on a common feature of post-in-votes in general and in this particular race.

After all, New York’s voting was slow because the state had administrative problems – ranging from insufficient staff to outdated technology – when trying to get a much larger than normal number of absent votes. There is a legal dispute over some of the votes that were invalid due to issues such as missing or late postmarks and missing signatures, but there is no evidence that these issues are fraudulent.

Test in India

After boasting that the US has performed nearly 65 million tests, Trump again claimed that India has performed only 11 million coronavirus tests.
Facts first: India has conducted more than 24 million tests, according to reports in the Indian media. India passed the 20 million mark more than a week ago.

China and the virus

Trump said China had spread the virus to other countries, but not within China.

Facts first: Although China has imposed strict measures to try to contain the virus within its borders, it is not true that the virus did not spread to other parts of China outside Wuhan, where it originated. By the end of January, every region of China had confirmed cases. In May, a cluster of new cases in northeastern China, more than a thousand miles from Wuhan, called on the country to implement containment measures. There have also been hundreds of confirmed cases in Beijing.

Rates in China

Boasting its tariffs on China, Trump claimed no one had taken over “10 cents” from China before.

Facts first: This is complete incorrect. Study after study has shown that Americans, not China, pay the cost of the tariffs. In addition, the US has had tariffs on China for more than two centuries, generating billions a year under Obama. And China buys tens of billions a year into American products.

Tests and cases

Trump argued that more coronavirus testing leads to more cases.

Facts first: The test does not matter, show them only, and tests are a pandemic-fighting tool that should help reduce cases.

Fan provided

Trump again suggested that the U.S. did not have a supply of fans before the pandemic.

Facts first: In March 2020, there were 16,660 fentyls available in the national facility for immediate use, according to a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services. There were also currently an additional 2,425 ventilators in maintenance, bringing the total to 19,085. “In general, for March of this year, the (stockpile) kept about 19,000 fans in its inventory for many years,” said a HHS spokesman, “and this number fluctuated on any given day depending on the number of fans in ‘ the scheduled maintenance. ”

The individual mandate and Obamacare

Trump claimed that when he eliminated Obamacare’s individual mandate, which required people to obtain health insurance, he “really ended Obamacare, as it would be officially known, because the individual mandate was the largest part.”

Facts first: The individual mandate was indeed an important part of Obamacare – but Trump did not arrive Obamacare when he lost it in his 2017 tax law; important parts of the law remain. They include Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid’s low-income insurance program, protections for people with pre-existing circumstances, the federal and state marketplaces where people can shop for coverage, and the subsidies for consumers that help many of them to make the purchases.

Obama and the spies

Trump said, “Well, look, the Obama campaign spied on our campaign, and they were caught, okay?” He added, “It’s probably betrayed. It’s a terrible thing they did. … They used our country’s intelligence agencies to spy on my campaign, and they were caught.”

Facts first: This is complete wrong. Term-restricted President Barack Obama did not conduct a “campaign” in 2016, when the FBI investigated the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia; there is no evidence that Obama personally targeted the FBI to investigate people in the Trump campaign; nothing related to the Russia investigation comes remotely close to the definition of treason.
Also, FBI Director Christopher Wray, who was appointed by Trump, said he would not use the word “spies” to describe what he called “surveillance activity.” But that is more subjective.
