Fable 4 will balance Fable’s legacy with new ideas

The line “respecting the legacy by adding new ideas” is one that is heard almost verbatim about any reboot of the series, so it is not surprising to hear something similar from Microsoft on the subject of Fable 4.

The next game is being developed by Forza Horizon’s Playground Games, as the former makers of Fable Lionhead Studios were closed in 2016. Microsoft is promoting the Playground experience with open-world environments as part of what they will bring to the next Fable game. . The rumors that it is an MMO have not been definitively closed either, so do as you like.

So far, we’ve mostly just heard that the upcoming Fable game is “a new beginning for the legendary franchise,” one of the few pieces of information included with the reveal trailer.

Microsoft Head of Studies Matt Booty spoke to The Guardian about the Xbox Series X, giving a quick chat for the next Fable game on the way. “[Playground Games] We also have a true passion for IP and a unique perspective on what is critical to Fable. Everything I’ve seen as the game progresses tells me this will be a very high-quality release, “says Booty, who also quotes Playground’s attention to detail with Forza’s natural landscapes.

Since its reveal, rumors have circulated that the next Fable game is not Fable 4, but a Fable MMO. As you do with the rumors, don’t make them too important yet. However, it was not lost on me that the trailer revealed the title “Fable” without number four.

“With any type of franchise like that, where you have had existing versions, there is always that balance between what you are going to present, what is still going on, and what you want to add that is new,” says Booty in response to those rumors. like the challenge of making a new Star Wars movie: There are things that everyone wants you to bring, but then you have the responsibility for that, for new places and I trust Playground has a good vision for that. “

As for Fable’s legacy, I hope Playground knows better than I do. My memories of the original Fable are trampled by the AC / DC songs I heard repeat as I played it. I have almost no memories of Fable 2, although I’m pretty sure I played it on my Xbox 360 at the time. Fable 3 I remember mostly, I think, trying to marry multiple NPCs?

For fantasy RPG lovers, I sure don’t remember anything from the Fable series, although maybe that’s more to me than Lionhead. Hopefully Playground can pay tribute to that story that other people remember while giving me something that will stay in my old brain sieve.

We don’t know much more about the upcoming Fable game, but you can keep an eye on his official Twitter account. You know, the same one that Microsoft claimed was just “standard practice” and that we shouldn’t hope for an ad.

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