F1 2020 revised: Codemasters takes another victory in a racing game

In the olden days, before the pandemic, the annual delivery of the officially licensed Formula 1 game would reach approximately half the championship. But we are not long ago, and in our 2020, F1 started a shortened and socially distant season at the Red Bull Ring in Austria. so when F1 2020 Launching this week, tomorrow for the Schumacher Deluxe Edition, Friday for the standard edition, takes players to an alternate universe where there was no COVID-19 and where F1 racing started as usual in Australia in March.

The Codemasters team probably had no intention of a multiverse angle for F1 2020But if this year has taught us anything, it is to make the best of the cards that are dealt to us. The advantage of this digital launch is that you can compete wheel to wheel on new tracks in Hanoi in Vietnam and Zandvoort in the Netherlands almost a year before they organize their first F1 events in the meat space. But adding a couple of new circuits isn’t the only way Codies has kept things from becoming obsolete, which is no feat for an official franchise of a sport that doesn’t really change much from year to year.

Whose team is it? My team

Probably the biggest new addition to F1 2020Gameplay is a new career mode. This one is called My Team, because instead of joining one of the 10 existing teams, it puts you in the role of a new team owner (as well as an F1 racing driver). You can choose the team name, design a livery and logo, find a main sponsor, and choose a second driver for the team. Then, between runs, he’ll manage the team, which (hopefully) involves bringing in more money than he spends, while keeping each department happy.

As in the last two F1 In installments, there are also RPG-like elements that involve in-game interviews with the media. The way you answer their questions affects the morale of the different departments of the team, as well as your position in the sport.

These additions don’t make the game so much a strategy simulator as something like Motorsports ManagerBut they add an extra dimension to the game beyond “driving the car from one side to the other, preferably faster than everyone else.” If you don’t feel like going to the My Team route, the other routes in F1 2019 they are still present and correct; See that review for more information. For more information on how the game works during each race weekend, see our review of F1 2018, as it has largely not changed here.

Another new feature compared to the recent one F1 The games are the return of the split-screen (local) multiplayer mode, which joins the online multiplayer mode and e-sports modes for those of you who don’t want to compete against AI.

F1 driver says handling is much better

Obviously driving an F1 car at the limit is not easy, there is a reason why it is considered the pinnacle of motorsport. But a game like F1 2020 You need to attract a much wider audience than the best drivers in the world. To that end, Codemasters has added a “casual mode,” which simplifies menus, makes driving off the track easier, and adds some additional assists for players who don’t want to focus too much. (However, this mode is only for offline play.)

But for those who want a more realistic simulation experience, you can configure the various assists to your liking, up to “professional mode”, which makes you do all the work yourself. For those of you wondering how well the game actually simulates driving a real F1 car, take note of the accolades issued by F1 2020 by George Russell, a member of the Mercedes-AMG Young Drivers Program and currently in his second year with Williams F1 as one of his two racing drivers. Russell said on Twitch that he was surprised by the improvement in the way cars are handled in the game, and that other current F1 drivers have helped Codemasters improve the realism of F1 2020.

I haven’t driven an F1 car in real life, but I can drive a few different racing games every year, and I’m happy to report that F1 2020 It lives up to the best in terms of being fun to play. It’s great to participate with a wheel and pedals, and you can customize the game to match the level of difficulty you’re looking for. It looks good and sounds as good as you can expect a turbocharged F1 hybrid car to sound. If you are a sports fan, it is probably worth learning.

The good:

  • Brilliant physics, and F1 cars are fun to drive.
  • It does a good job of simulating how much multitasking it takes to drive a modern F1 car.
  • Career mode is attractive and offers several different ways to run for an entire season.
  • As difficult or as easy as you want it to be.
  • AI is pretty good.

The bad:

  • Royal F1 will not visit Hanoi or Zandvoort at all this year due to the pandemic.
  • Proposing something new to write each year in these reviews.

The ugly one:

  • My attempts to make a livery and team insignia.

Verdict: Worth buying if you like F1.

Image listing by Codemasters