Exercise you need: New guidelines from the World Health Organization

The organization has published a new physical activity guide that recommends that adults spend at least 150 minutes – that’s 2.5 hours – of moderate to vigorous physical activity weekly.

The WHO had previously recommended that adults between the ages of 18 and 64 do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or at least 75 minutes of strenuous exercise per week, and previous recommendations were made for healthy adults. The new recommendations now include people with chronic conditions or disabilities.

“Staying physically active is crucial to health and well-being – it can help prolong life and prolong life,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanam said in a news release. “Every move is counted, especially now that we manage the limits of the COVID-19 epidemic. We must all move every day – safely and constructively.”

Regardless of who you are, the WHO has some key principles in mind: Being more active than sedentary can benefit everyone. Doing a little physical activity, even if it’s better than nothing. You can start small and slow and increase your frequency, intensity and duration over time. You can strengthen your muscles at home or in the gym (when safe). And physical activity is good for our heart, body and mind.

What children and adolescents want

According to the new recommendations, children up to the age of 17 need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day. Activities should be mostly aerobic, such as jogging or biking. Activities that strengthen muscles and bones are also essential.

In order for children to be more active, they need to understand their activity options as entertaining in addition to gaining access and opportunity, said Dr. Stephanie Walsh, Medical Director of Child Wellness at Atlanta Children’s Healthcare. If you’re working on it with your kids, try referring to “exercise” by the words going out or playing.

If your child sees a boring and walking king, make it more enjoyable by hunting a swindler or playing eye spy. Teens can listen to music, video chat, or use fitness apps.

“Usually children / adolescents always report that they like to have physical activity: 1) Stay with their friends 2) Have fun 3) Learn something new,” Craig said. Williams, professor of pediatrics and director of health and said. Children’s Health and Exercise Research Center at the University of Exeter, England, via email.

Williams said, be active together, mix it up, be encouraging and tidy up what doesn’t work. Roll and roller skate if you don’t like walking. In addition, encourage your children to consider how they feel: If they breathe hard with a fever, they do well.

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Young people have a higher risk of mental health problems than acute heart or metabolic conditions.

“If you’re trying to get your teen to be more active, encouraging them to exercise with their mental health in mind may be more effective than warning them of the physical health effects,” a young person’s mind seems far away. “By Joseph Hayes, Chief Research Fellow of Psychiatry at University College London, via email.

Cheerful, non-competitive activities can help children develop confidence, ability and joy to “stay active throughout your life,” Whilsh said, influencing their self-esteem, mood and academic performance.

A guide for adults

Adults For adults over the age of 64, getting at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or at least 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of early death, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Stated in the report.

The guideline also recommends that older adults, 65 or older, do at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 or 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise.

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Exercises that strengthen all muscles should be done at least twice a week. For older adults, as much guidance, as much as they go – but they should train balance and strength in a few days each week. It can help prevent falls and related injuries, as well as a decline in bone health and capacity.

Work and home commitments, Medical conditions and isolation hinder the goals of the activity, said Dr. Zinat Qureshi, a professor of neurology at the Stroke Institute and the University of Missouri-Columbia.

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“While large-scale indoor gatherings are frustrating at the moment, outdoor activities … can still be good options,” said Ian Guy, an assistant professor of neurology at Columbia University’s Department of Epidemiological Neurology in New York City. Email. “There are also many options for family indoor activities, such as aerobic exercise (and) ping-pong.”

Qureshi said some steps could increase the partnership.

  • Understand how physical activity can improve your quality of life.
  • Combine activity with other passions such as interactions with people, nature, or technology.
  • Covering the time and distance spent.
  • Include the activity in a regular schedule routine.
  • Consider barriers to achieving goals and find strategies to overcome barriers with health professionals.
  • Take note of the benefits you receive.

Dr Richard Marotoli, a physician and professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine in Connecticut, said the potential benefits against potential safety hazards should be balanced and people should be vigilant based on their underlying health conditions. “Check with your clinician before starting an exercise practice.”

Advice for pregnant and postpartum women

Being active during and after pregnancy is beneficial for both mother and baby, including reduced risk of gestational diabetes, delivery complications, and postpartum depression.

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If pregnant and postpartum women do not have any underlying conditions or complications, the report says, they should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic and strong activities per week. Stretching can be beneficial and calming.

However, pregnant women should make sure they are hydrated, stay away from physically hazardous activities and be aware of any warning signs that warn them to stop. These include dizziness, painful excruciating contractions, or vaginal bleeding.

A guide for people with severe conditions

A healthy lifestyle is possible even if you have a long situation.

Regina Davis, Associate Executive Director of Public Health Policy and Practice for American, said, “Some people with chronic conditions are faced with some of the recommended types and proportions of physical activity and may avoid physical activity all at once due to concerns about risks. ” Public Health Board

“The kind of physical activity you are able to do may be different, but there are still benefits.”

In people with diseases such as cancer and heart disease, physical activity can reduce the risk of early death, disease progression, and poor quality of life.
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As much as they are capable, people with long positions should do at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobics a week or at least 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous aerobics. A few times each week, they should do strengthening and balance exercises to keep their functionality running well and prevent falls.

Tips for people with disabilities

For children with physical or intellectual disabilities, the main guidelines for children with disabilities apply – if the benefits outweigh the potential risks, according to their pediatrician or disability specialist. Activity, especially cognitive function such as attention deficit / hyperactive disorder, can benefit people with dementia.
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For adults with disabilities, activity can improve physical and cognitive function, strength and quality of life. The guidelines for adults also apply to adults with disabilities.

Despite the amount of evidence for the effects of sedentary and active behaviors, the report says, we do not know much about the consequences for underworld neighbors and people with disabilities.

“It’s better to see the WHO advocating for this, but physical activity is an important marker for health and can help embed well-being not only medically but also economically and culturally in society,” said Williams of Williams University. Said Williams of University Exit.

Moving on, he finally added, “What our skeletons are designed to do.”
