Everything we saw during the live stream of the July ‘Marvel’s Avengers’ WAR TABLE

Marvel Games, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics met yesterday for July Marvel avengers WAR TABLE Stream, where fans were given a breakdown of the campaign content, War Zones, and HARM Challenge Rooms that players will take on during the August BETA weekends beginning on August 7. Additionally, the July WAR TABLE gave players a look at one of the post-launch heroes regrouping in Marvel avengers – Hawkeye, fan favorite!


You can stream the July WAR TABLE in its entirety above, but we also have a rundown of all the details around Earth’s mightiest Heroes revealed below today.


As we get closer to the September 4 release of Marvel avengers, we are pleased to report that true believers around the world can hold in their hands the Marvel avengers Beta starts next week!

  • August 7-9 – PlayStation Advantage Pre-Order Beta

    Fans who pre-ordered Marvel avengers For PlayStation 4, it will be the first in the world to get its hands on the most powerful heroes on Earth this weekend from 7 to 9 August!
    Preload: August 6

  • August 14-16 – Open Beta

    The second Beta weekend will be open to the entire PS4 community as part of the PlayStation Advantage partnership, as well as those who pre-ordered Marvel avengers on Xbox One and PC.
    Preload: August 13

  • August 21-23 – Open Beta

    The final weekend is also an open beta for all PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC players.
    Preload: August 20