Every word he said about Vince McMahon’s fictional brass ring meant Rousseau.

Miro debuted for AW on last night’s episode (Sept. 9) Dynamite. WWE fans know him better as Rusev, and he cut off a promo on WWE asking him to take his brass ring and stick his ass.

After his start, Miro recorded the 4 minute video above to make it clear that his words were real. Everything he said about glass ceilings and imaginary brass rings in WWE means that. She is thrilled to be in AW now. Seeing his old trainer (Billy Gunn) there during his debut was a small thing which meant it was too much for him. The reason he came to this country was to become a professional wrestler, and he waited to start a new company without all the restrictions that put him back in the WWE. He made sure to joke about his experience with wrestling marriages, which is the subject of his first angle in AW.

Just a month ago, Rousseau drew a disappointing picture of how the WWE dropped the ball with his extremely popular Rousseau Danny boat, and how his love for pro wrestling was severely damaged by that experience. So looking at him with a smile on his face and he is excited to show the world what he is capable of in the wrestling ring.

Are you excited to see Miro on AW? Dynamite Go ahead