EU Trade Chief stops at ‘GolfGate’

On Tuesday evening, leaders of the Irish governing coalition, including the Taoist, as Prime Minister Micheal Martin, said in a joint statement that Mr Hogan was in breach of public health guidelines and that his “delayed and hesitant release of information has undermined public confidence. “

As trade minister, Mr Hogan, 60, occupied one of the most important positions in the European Commission, the bureaucracy of the bloc. A large, boisterous and stubborn man, Mr. Hogan, a former 6-foot-5 farmer, was considered a good choice to represent Europe for the Trump administration, which has made the U.S. trade deficit a major problem in international affairs. relationships. The bilateral trade ratio is worth about $ 1 trillion a year.

“Personality is important, especially with the United States,” said Mujtaba Rahman, chief European analyst for the Eurasia Group. “He could deal with Trump and Robert Lighthizer,” President Trump’s Trade Representative said. Just last week, Washington and Brussels agreed on a tariff reduction deal – modest, but the first in a long time.

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the Commission, will have to choose another Irish citizen to replace Mr Hogan, though not necessarily with the same portfolio. There are several possibilities, including David O’Sullivan, who has a lot of experience in Brussels. Mr. O’Sullivan was a senior trade official until 2010 and was most recently the bloc’s ambassador to Washington.

It is important that the top deputy of Mr. Hogan, Sabine Weyand, is expected to stay. Mrs Weyand, a German who previously worked on Brexit, is considered one of the stars of Brussels, with a keen eye for detail.