Ethiopian PM urges world leaders to refrain from ‘interfering’ in Tiger conflict

Ethiopia’s prime minister has dismissed as “disgusting” the growing international consensus for dialogue and a halt to deadly fighting in the Tigris region, saying his country would handle an hour-long surrender ultimatum on Wednesday to handle the conflict on its own.

A statement from Prime Minister Abiya Ahmed’s office said government forces had surrounded the Tigris capital, Macaulay, with tanks. “We respectfully urge the international community to refrain from any unwanted and illegal interference.” “The international community should stand by until the Ethiopian government submits requests for assistance to the community of nations.”

Diplomacy in Dubat, on the branch of escalation with Ethiopia

The government, led by last year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner Abi, has warned McLean’s 50-million residents to stay away from Tigre People’s Liberation Front leaders or receive “no mercy” – warning the UN human rights chief and others to use “more humanitarian law”. Can. “

But communications in the Tigre region of nearly a million people are almost completely disrupted, and it is not clear how many of Mikelle’s people are aware of the warnings and dangers of artillery fire.

Diplomats said Tuesday that members of the UN Security Council in a closed-door meeting expressed support for the African Union-led effort to deploy three high-ranking diplomats to Ethiopia. But Ethiopia has said the envoys cannot meet with TPLF leaders.

“The conflict is already destabilizing the region,” EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Tuesday after a meeting with Ethiopia’s foreign minister.

US President-elect National Security Adviser Joe Biden, Jack Sullivan, tweeted, “Both sides should start a facilitated dialogue through the then AU.”

Tigre’s regional leader, Debrecen Gabremichael, could not be reached immediately Wednesday as tensions are high among Meckel residents.

The TPLF has dominated Ethiopia’s government for more than a quarter of a century, but it was sidelined after Abi took power in 2018 and sought to centralize power. TPLF Abi angered the federal government by holding elections in September after national elections were postponed by COVID-19 when the ruling coalition disbanded. Now each side considers the other illegal.

Tigre refugees fleeing the conflict in Ethiopia's Tigris region receive UNHCR assistance on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, at the Umm Rakouba refugee camp in Kadirif, East Sudan.  (AP Photo / Nariman Al-Mofty)

Tigre refugees fleeing the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigris region receive UNHCR assistance on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, at the Umm Rakouba refugee camp in Kadirif, East Sudan. (AP Photo / Nariman Al-Mofty)

An Ethiopian military official has claimed that Nov. More than 10,000 “junta forces” have been “destroyed” since the fighting began on the 4th, when Abi accused the TPLF of attacking a military base. Colonel Abet Nigatu told our mass media agency that more than 15,000 heavy weapons and small arms have been seized.

The international community has called for the immediate return of communications to the Tigris region so that the claims of the warring parties can be investigated, and so food and other much-needed supplies can be sent as hunger increases. The UN says it has been unable to send supplies to Tigre and that the people there are “terrified.”

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, have been killed in three weeks of fighting. More than 40,000 refugees have fled to Sudan. And about 100,000 Eritrean refugees in the northern Tigre camps have come close to the line of fire.

There is less trouble for Sudanese refugees, little food, little medicine, little shelter, little funding, and little or no contact with loved ones left behind in Tigre. “We are not fully prepared,” said Suleiman Ali Moussa, the governor of Kadyrif province.

“Help us not to die,” said Tehse Adiso, a refugee. “We came from war. We were afraid we would die in the war and we came here. We do not want to die of hunger or disease. If they are going to help us they need help quickly. That’s all I can say. ”

Meanwhile, there have been reports of alleged targeting of ethnic Tigris even outside Ethiopia. The force said in a statement that three soldiers serving with the UN peacekeeping force in South Sudan were ordered to go home over the weekend. The Associated Press has confirmed that the returning soldiers are Tigris.

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“If employees are discriminated against because of their race or any other reason, it could be a violation of human rights under international law,” the statement said.

Abini’s government has said its goal is to protect civilians, including Tigris, but reports of arrests, discrimination, house-to-house searches and frozen bank accounts.