Epic Games CEO warns Apple ban could be ‘death penalty’ for his company

Care – Epic Games, the publisher of the globally popular Fortnight, told Apple in its most recent court that the legal battle between former close associates is intensifying and Epic’s CEO warns that his company is facing the “death penalty.”

Epic A declared, “Apple Pal is a monopoly Filing late Friday night A federal court in California is hearing a case surrounding a ban on Epic from Apple’s App Store.

Epic added, “If Apple is allowed to continue its transformation, the epic and its customers will suffer irreparable damage.”

In a tweet, Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney called Apple’s decision to ban Epic “a potential death sentence” for its multi-billion dollar company as well as others.

Sweeney tweeted, “In the real world, when a store makes a crunch decision about what products to stock, it’s not a big deal – you just go to another store and buy it,” Sweeney tweeted.

“Under Apple Pal’s monopoly, the decision not to hold the product is a death sentence for the product and shuts down all its iOS users.”

CNN notes that more than 116 million gamers have played Fortnite on iOS, making it the game’s largest platform, larger than its player base on the Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, PC or Android.

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Apple Pal is also fighting Google over similar issues.

But the fight with Apple over Epic’s insistence that players be able to purchase so-called “in-app” directly through Epic’s system, and that Apple Paul doesn’t have to pay a 30% fee for each, is the highest media record in recent months. . Apple Play tried to ban Epic from all aspects of the iOS system, but a federal court issued an Aug. 24 order blocking Apple Paul’s move to ban developers from accessing one of the world’s most famous – Epic’s unrealistic game engines.

However, Fortnight continues to be banned.

Friends have become enemies in this fight.

Apple Paul and Epic have collaborated on various projects over the years and Apple has also featured Epic Exx on stage at developers’ events to highlight games as well as Epic’s game engine and related developments.

The judge barred Apple Games from being completely banned from the App Store

In a new filing, Epic announced:

“[Apple] Controls the distribution of all apps on iOS. It controls the payment process in all apps for digital content on iOS. It illegally maintains both of these monopolies by explicitly restricting any competitive entry into both markets. This case is likely to be lost.

“However, at this pace, the court has all the epic sixes to prevent Epic from taking revenge against Epic for daring to challenge Epic’s misconduct.

“As detailed in the complaint, on August 13, 2020, Epic stopped complying with one of Apple’s rival rivals:

“It has offered a low-cost option on app purchases using its popular game, Fortnight, Contest Pay Processor. This was an essential first step on the long road to freeing consumers and developers from the decade-long monopoly grip of Over Paul.
Delivery and payment process in the app on iOS.

“Apple is taking revenge with a vengeance. Epic not only removed Fortnight from the expected App Store, but announced that it would terminate every account in Epic’s Developer Program and cut off Epic’s cut access to publicly available software tools.

“This was a clear warning to any other developer who would dare to challenge Apple’s monopoly: follow our rules or we’ll cut you off from a billion iOS customers – challenge us and we’ll destroy your business.”

“In short, there are allegations of breach of trust for creating two monopolies and abusing its power to maintain them. Apple used the same power to try to force Epic to comply with its illegal sanctions.” The court should not allow Apple Pal to enforce these restrictions. “

Apple Corps on Saturday quoted CNN Business as saying in an earlier statement that “the court recommended adhering to the Epic App Store’s guidelines as their case progresses. The epic has refused. “

Read the full filing online.

In the legal battle with Epic – Micro .ft – Epic Games is a major ally