England will ban social gatherings with more than 6 people

  • U.K. The government is tightening social-distance rules to prevent an increase in coronavirus cases.
  • Since Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has been banning gatherings of more than six million people in England, both indoor and outdoor.
  • Those who break the rules are fined £ 100 or $ 130.
  • These rules include exemptions for workplaces and schools as well as for funerals, weddings and arranged games.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

The government of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is banning social gatherings of more than six people in England in an effort to curb rising coronavirus cases.

The ban, announced Tuesday evening, is set to take effect next Monday and applies to both indoor and outdoor gatherings.

There are a few exceptions, including homes where more than six people already live. It does not even apply to schools, workplaces, funerals, some weddings and organized team games.

Violation of the rules carries an initial penalty of £ 100 or 130 130. Violation doubles the fine for each violation to a maximum fine of 3,200.

The move comes with an increase in the number of reported cases of coronavirus in the country, mostly among young people.

“We now need to take action to stop the spread of the virus, so we are simplifying and strengthening the rules on social contact – to make them easier to understand and for the police to enforce,” Johnson said Wednesday ahead of a press conference Wednesday. Determine the new restrictions in more detail where it is expected.

“It’s so complicated that people now follow these rules and remember the basics – washing your hands, rubbing your face, rubbing, keeping away from others, and getting tested if you have symptoms.”

Health officials reported 2,948 new COVID-19 cases in the UK on Monday. 2,988 cases were reported on Sunday.

On Monday, a top official of the World Health Organization, Dr. David Nabaro was asked about the possibility of a so-called second wave of coronavirus cases in the UK and said one was “coming.”

“I don’t like to call it another wave – I’m just saying there will be more spikes and actually increase in some cases because the virus hasn’t changed.” “It’s the same virus that caused so much trouble earlier this year.”

UK officials say new infections are particularly prevalent among people aged 17 to 21 and Johnson’s government fears that while young people are at risk of becoming seriously ill, they could pass it on to the elderly and vulnerable.

In a BBC radio program on Monday, UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned young people: “Don’t catch your granola coronavirus and then pass it on.”

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