Engineers unveil world’s first ‘non-cuttable’ metal material

  • Researchers in the UK and Germany have designed a metal that they describe as the first man-made “non-cuttable” material.
  • Called Proteus, the material makes sharp tools “turn on themselves” by creating sandpaper-like dust, blunt blades.
  • The material has a variety of potential uses, from security gates to bicycle locks.
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Meet Proteus: the first man-made “non-cuttable” material.

This is described by at least a team of researchers led by engineers from the University of Durham in England. In an article about Proteus published Monday in Scientific Reports magazine, they explain that the material consists of metallic aluminum foam with ceramic spheres embedded inside.

Once a power tool hits these spheres, the interaction causes high-frequency vibrations that dull the blade in a matter of minutes. As a tool penetrates the material, the spheres release fine particles of ceramic dust that act as sandpaper, breaking it further. The particles also fill the aluminum foam, making it even more dense and difficult to cut.

The greater the applied force, in other words, the stronger the material becomes. This means that, in theory, Proteus can support even the sharpest tools.

In a demonstration, researchers attempted to cut Proteus with an angle grinder, electric drill, and even a jet of water. Each tool could not cut more than a little below the surface.

Engineers invent the first 'non-cuttable' human material, Proteus;  the angle grinder tries to cut it.

An angle grinder tries to cut Proteus material.


Although not yet commercially available, Proteus can offer a wide range of potential applications, including use on high-security doors, elbow pads, and bicycle locks.

So far, however, the researchers have just prototyped in two shapes and sizes: rectangular plates approximately 40 millimeters thick and cylinders 60 millimeters in diameter.

In a blog post, Stefan Szyniszewski, lead author of the new study, wrote that natural structures like those of abalone peels and grapefruit peels inspired his team’s invention.

“The sea creature’s protective shell has a fracture resistance of approximately 2,000 more than the aragonite bricks from which it is made,” he wrote. “It is possible because the blocks are interlocked with a soft polymeric material. We were inspired by nature but we had to take an innovative leap to stop the fast moving angle grinders, power drills and water jet cutters.”

Grapefruit peels have a similar structure, which can protect grapefruit from drops of up to 30 feet, according to the study.

Seashells and grapefruit peels are also relatively light, as is Proteus. The material is 85% less dense than steel.

The researchers say that it is possible to manufacture Proteus en masse, since its raw materials are common. The team has a patent pending and looks forward to working with industry partners to bring it to market, according to SciTechDaily.