End of the world: ‘Time to leave Earth’ Neil deGrasse Tyson’s warning as sun ‘gets hotter’ | Science | News

NASA recently blew its new Perseverance rover to Mars to study a crater for evidence of ancient life forms that once inhabited the Martian land. The move was a vital stepping stone, as space agency Elon Musk joins a vision to send humans to Mars by the end of the decade in hopes of one day colonizing it. And American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says research is crucial to the long-term survival of the human race.

During an episode on his StarTalk podcast, the 61-year-old was asked by co-host Chuck Nice: “Let’s say the world ends, do you think it’s the end of the human race?”

To which Dr. Tyson replied, “The answer is no.”

He added: “If Earth is destroyed – we have 4.5 billion years left – but if Earth is ready to evaporate through the sun, you need some skill to make planetary hops.

“The sun will grow in size, the temperature of the surface will get hotter and hotter – then it’s time to move people.

‘You pick up your luggage and move to Mars – the next distant planet from the sun.

“But the sun will also start to make Mars hot, so you want to go further again.

“Then the sun will eventually die and can no longer be a source of energy for any of us.”

But Dr. Tyson says it is vital to also learn more about the deeper cosmos.

He added: “Then you want to be able to jump and another solar system to go after.

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“You could become so smart that it’s impossible to survive because you’re figuring out what’s cool and the end of the world.

“It was Kurt Vonnegut who wrote ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ who said ‘this will be the last sentence ever spoken by humans’, it’s going to be one scientist saying the other ‘let it be’ try the other side. ‘

‘Once you have the power over nature and the forces of nature are greater than you, then you exercise forces that can render your own extinction.

“Almost everything we do disrupts nature, even agriculture.”

NASA has previously published its strategy for human reconnaissance and colonization of Mars.

There are three distinct phases of the plan that lead to full-blown civilization on the Red Planet.

The first stage, already underway, is the ‘Earth Reliant’ phase, this will continue the International Space Station until 2024, validate deep space technologies and study the effects of long-term space mission on the human body.

The second stage, “Proving Ground”, gains a deeper space for most of its tasks, to test the viability and validate capabilities necessary for Mars’ human exploration.

Finally, Phase Three, the “Earth Independent” stage includes long-term missions on the Red Planet with surface habitats that require only routine maintenance, and the harvesting of Martian resources for fuel, water, and building materials.

Mr Musk’s plans are for SpaceX to land the first humans on Mars by 2024.

Starship, the company’s fully reusable launched car, will land two trucks on the Red Planet in 2022 to confirm water sources and identify hazards.

They will then provide infrastructure for power, mining and life support for future missions.

Two years later, two Starship trucks will bring more equipment and supplies, set up a production plant and build a base.