Elon Musk’s Neuralink will be able to stream music directly to your brain

As if the man wasn’t busy enough with Tesla, SpaceX or Boring Company, Elon musk has been making progress with his new brain interface startup, Neuralink. Nerualink is a project that is developing technology to implant itself in your brain, eliminating the “latency problem” of taking your smartphone out of your pocket, unlocking it and entering commands. With Neuralink, you can do all of that simply by thinking about it.

In a recent response to computer scientist Austin Howard, Elon confirmed that Neuralink’s technology would allow people to “listen to music directly from our chips.” While it’s exactly unclear how exactly that would work (would we still need headphones?), The claim itself is mind-boggling. With Elon Musk focusing heavily on this project over the past year, we could very well see this hardware deployed in the not-too-distant future.

More information on Neuralink will be announced at the end of next month on August 28.

H / T independent
