Elon Musk warns staff that Tesla stock prices could be ‘crushed like a souffle under a sledgehammer’.

Shares of the electric car company have been a huge success with a nearly 600 percent increase in 2020 and are now more valuable than any other maker toe manufacturer.

And after years of losses, Tesla has now posted positive net income for five consecutive quarters.

But in an email to staff, Mr Musk warned that the company’s profits were only around one per cent and that the success of the stock had fallen short of investors’ expectations of large profits.

“If, at any stage, they conclude that that’s not going to happen, our stock will immediately be crushed like a soufflર under a sledgehammer!” He wrote in an email, according to Electric.

The email urged staff to try and find savings in the company.

“This is a tough game of pennies – increasing the quality and capabilities requires thousands of good ideas to improve part cost, factory process or just design,” Mr. Musk wrote.

“A great idea would be to save $ 5, but the vast majority are 50 cents here or 20 cents there.”

Tesla did not comment further on the content of the email.

It has been a very lucrative year for Mr Musk, who was born in South Africa.

His personal fortune has risen from ટે 111 billion to bn 139bn, making him the second richest person in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index.

Mr Musk is now ahead of Bill Gates, who has a fortune of 12 9,129bn, but he is still behind Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, whose fortune is estimated at bn 188bn.