Elon Musk opens dialogue on Tesla advertising


Published in July 23, 2020 |
by Johnna Crider

By Johnna Crider, in collaboration with Zach Shahan

Elon Musk recently opened a dialogue about Tesla advertising and marketing when he responded to CleanTechnica on Twitter saying, “At some point, we should probably advertise as art / communication / entertainment and to support high-quality media.” This dialogue included many of the talented photographers and cameramen from the community who shared some of their media. It also sparked conversations about broader electric vehicle education and breaking Tesla myths.

This got me thinking. As an artist, I love to do and create things and I generally let my own art speak for itself. Sharing on Twitter and blogging on related topics can lead someone to buy something, but that’s it. Tesla is already engaged in this type of marketing. This discussion is about video or graphic ads, like the ones you see on TV, in magazines, or on websites like this. What does Tesla need in this regard and how can he contribute creatively to art?

Sure, Tesla products speak for themselves, but unlike my art, Tesla has a whole critically driven movement and the FUD that really gets into the mainstream news and gets a lot of people up against the company. and defend their failure, and sometimes even lean against electricity. Vehicles and solar energy in general. If not for another reason, it would be beneficial for the world to have a more accurate representation of the company and reality. Having so many people believe that a distorted narrative leads to problems.

Plus, Tesla’s mission is the world’s mission. You need to be successful. His goal is vital to the survival of humanity, and his goal is not itself: it was originally to push big industries to change. They needed more oomph than initially expected, which opened the door more and more for Tesla, not only to survive, but also to prosper.

I think the media commotion at the Tesla stock price surge and the big success overall is due in part to the obsessively negative reports we saw in 2018 and 2019, somewhat CleanTechnica He even decided to track down and document what was so absurd. Perhaps many of those involved in the negative reports believed it, but that does not change that it was a wrong perspective and distorted their perceptions of the company, as well as many others. While critics like the “TSLAQ” group chased Elon’s every step with ridicule and bankruptcy and fraud, Tesla kept an eye on the prize and came out on top. This is probably the reason why many of the media are stunned: they have been conditioned by all the negative comments and actually had the expectation that Tesla would fail.

I want to address what Ráða and others with a similar perspective said in their tweets. When done right, marketing can really be a good thing. Tesla does not need to be associated with your average company that uses marketing in all its forms and frequently. By appearing in music videos, movies, TV shows, and even Burger King commercials, Tesla is already marketed in many ways. He did it by creating something that people absolutely loved. They love him so much that they took it upon themselves to present him in their art. There’s no need for more of that, but the fun and creative expression in art and entertainment allows one to open up in a deeper way to the world. The key is balance and making sure it’s not spam, making sure you’re creating something that people love.

The fact that Tesla considers rewarding followers for creating high-quality media (art of different types) is a beautiful thing. It means that while Tesla has no need to advertise its products, Elon wants to reward those who create fine art as a way of supporting them to support Tesla. So I decided to summarize some media that I thought was very high quality or just inspiring.

Jessica Meckmann, who gave us permission to use one of her photos she shared on Twitter for the cover photo of this article, also shared her thoughts on Tesla and marketing. “My opinion on Tesla’s marketing strategy is that if they really decide to start serving ads, they should be separated as far as possible from conventional advertising. One way would be to use customer produced / submitted videos / photos of how their daily lives have been influenced and altered through the use of a Tesla product, be it cars, electric walls and / or solar energy. These videos or photos must be real and not like those ‘these are real people, not actors’ type of ads. “

Perhaps, along with the automotive, energy, battery and technology industries, if Tesla started advertising, it would find better ways to advertise and revolutionize that industry as well. If Tesla did this, it would probably give real people, customers, and fans alike, a voice in an industry dominated by corporate industries and paid influencers on social media. Tesla, for example, could reward a random owner as thanks for taking a photo of their Tesla at sunset, that’s my opinion, at least. Speaking of Teslas photos, here are some more tweets I found that I think show the love that Tesla people have for Tesla:

Last episode of CleanTechnica.TV

Last episodes of Cleantech Talk

Tags: advertising, Elon Musk, Marketing, Tesla, advertising for Tesla, marketing for Tesla

About the Author

Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, member of the International Gem Society, and a Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised him in 2018 to “believe in good.” Tesla is one of the many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter