SALT LAKE CITY – For the past seven years, I’ve been covering the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for Desert News. Here is a list of 12 things I learned about the church during the 190th Semi-Annual General Conference.
1 When. When Elder Jeffrey R. When Hollande spoke on Sunday, it was the first time in six years that a father and son had spoken during the same general conference. His son, Elder Matthew S. Holland spoke during the Saturday afternoon session.
Late President Byrd K. Packer and his son Elder Alan F. Packer spoke at the April 2009 and October 2014 general conferences.
Late President Gordon b. Hinckley was president of the church when he and his son, Elder Richard G. Hinkley, both spoke at the April 2006 priestly session.
Of course, some church members remember Hollande speaking back-to-back at the April 1983 General Assembly, when Matt Holland was 16 and spoke of “muddie-fit and white shirts.”
More about families speaking later at conferences.
. President Russell M. Nelson shared a “new understanding” of the Israeli gathering. He said that the Hebrew word Israel means “let God prevail.”
He said that letting God win means that a person is willing to let God be at the forefront of his life. President Nelson said the idea has shaken his soul, and he has asked church members to take action using the next six months to study and study the Lord’s promises regarding the Israel Covenant.
President. President Nelson also described the church as the epitome of “the latter covenant Israel.” His footnotes state that the term is from a 1992 publication, “Encyclopaedia, Mormonism”, so it is not new, but the term has never been used at a conference before, the LDS-General-Conference.
He used it to characterize the distribution: “This pre-millennium gathering is a personal story of raising faith and spiritual courage for millions. And as members of the Latter-day Saints of the Church of Jesus Christ, or the ‘Israel of the Covenant of the Next Day,’ we are charged to help God in this important work. “
My. Many people noticed on my Facebook and Twitter feeds that they did not know that the Church of the Latter-day Saints in 196 nations and territories are members of Jesus Christ.
I was not.
Elder Garrett W. Gong said in his Saturday afternoon note and mentioned in his footnotes that “nations and territories” include organizations such as Guam, Puerto Rico and American Samoa.
E. Elder Gong also noted that the church has stakes in 90 countries. Hods, of course, are regional bodies usually formed somewhere between six and 12 congregations, called wards or branches.
The church organizes wards and branches in districts where there are not enough members or Melchizedek priesthood holders to organize the bet. The districts are intended to be transitional, ultimately leading to stakes. For example, when Elder d. When Christ Christ of Farson went to India on assignment in August 2017, I asked him when New Delhi would become the first part of the district. Church members believe the stake was imminent.
Suffice it to say, New Delhi’s share became India’s fourth on November 5, 2017 after just two months.
President. According to Elder Gong, President Nelson has testified about Jesus Christ and the restored Gospel in his restored nations.
In my profile of President Nelson when he was sustaining as a prophet in January 2018, I noticed that he has visited 133 countries. Since then he has been touring Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and the South Pacific. I don’t know if it has reached five countries that weren’t on its list before.
Now. Now here’s the real thing you know: President Nelson and his son-in-law Elder Michael T. Ringwood, General Authority Seventy, spoke at each of the October 2009 and April 2015 conferences. Elder Ringwood is married to Rosalie Nelson Ringwood.
8. This weekend’s conference was broadcast on TV and radio in a record 50 countries. That’s an increase of at least 233% over the October 2019 conference. There is a bit of deception including this context. I learned about this on Thursday, and that information has been added to the story we already have online.
But when Elder Gong noticed that the conference was available in 100 languages, he would remind me of that fact. President Nelson noted this week that the April conference was viewed by more people than ever before, and he expects the conference to be a resounding success.
Church officials knew that people in many countries, some of whom did not have access to the Internet, would be unable to watch the April conference’s satellite broadcasts due to the gathering epidemic. So they approached governments and networks around the world, and the number of countries broadcasting the conference on TV and radio became at least 31.
9. The Church has now published 192 million copies of the Book of Mormon in 112 languages.
I wrote that in July it was in my weekly email newsletter, Churchbit, in 112 languages, but the latest number of published copies I received at the time was 185 million.
Elder Gong also notes that the Book of Mormon has been translated into 23 world languages, mostly spoken by 23 million people or more. Collectively, those languages represent 4.1 billion people worldwide.
10. Late Church President Thomas S. The father-daughter combination of Monson and Sister Ann Monson Dibb, both spoke at the same session of the October 2009 and October 2012 general conferences. Sister Dibbe served as the Young Women’s Second Advisor to the President from 2008-13 and spoke in her capacity.
Both President Monson and Sister Dibb also addressed the conventions in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013, while Sister Dibb addressed the women’s session or meeting of young women on the weekends before the general sessions of the conference.
11. Elder Dean m. Davis was released as the first adviser to President Bishopric and was summoned as General Authority Seventy.
Church spokesman Eric Hawkins said in a statement released Saturday that “Bishop Davis has been facing significant health challenges for more than a year, although his current prognosis is positive.” “We are grateful that he will continue to serve in this new role as General Authority Seventy.”
12. The brothers have also spoken at this same conference.
Ener L. Whitney Clayton, who received the status of Emirates on Saturday after 19 years as General Authority Seventy, met her younger brother Elder Weatherford T. at the same conference in April 2017. Clayton, too, was seventy.
Late Presbyter Elder Joseph b. Wirthlin and his fellow brother Elder Richard b. Wirthlin, who was a member of the Seventies, spoke in October 1997.
Bonus item: Church leaders have been taking the epidemic and personal protective devices very seriously and have been since the epidemic began.
Saturday was another personal demonstration of caution and caring for one another. Elder Gong, who may have been exposed to COVID-19, recorded his speech in the East with great caution and attended the conference at home. The other 14 apostles wore masks and sat in chairs arranged to ensure physical distance.