Zamalek stipulates £ 180m to approve Mustafa Mohamed


Eng. Hany Zada, member of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, revealed the position of the duo Yusef Ibrahim “Obama” and Ferjani Sassi regarding the renewal with the club, and Zada ​​said in statements on the Falcon Stadium program broadcast on Radio Egypt, “We are taking very professional steps in the current period more than in years past. The player’s renewal file with Councilor Mortada Mansour and Amir Mortada, the general supervisor of the ball.

Zada added: “We follow the principle of absolute secrecy, and the basic strength of the Zamalek club will not change, and we strive to preserve all the players, and also several young people will be paid, all the players will be renewed.”

Zada confirmed that no Zamalek player will leave, that they will all renew their contract, saying: “Mustafa Mohamed was informed by counselor Mortada Mansour that if an official offer of 10 million euros arrives, equivalent to 180 million Egyptian pounds, his professionalism will be officially approved. ” .

Zad added: “There are Egyptian players whose prices have reached large sums and therefore Mustafa Muhammad is required to have a large sum to leave.”

On the other hand, Eng. Hani Zada, member of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, revealed the position of the Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba case, saying: “In order for the sanction for Kahraba to be canceled, there must be a session in the International Court of Sports, and the two parties attend to discuss the matter, and this has not happened yet. ” And appealing against the decision of the sanction of Kahraba, the decision will be suspended until the matter is considered by the Sports Court, “I think the case still has 6 more months to go, until a final decision is issued on it.”
