Zamalek spokesperson clarifies … January offers … winch file


Issam Salem, a spokesperson for Nai Zamalek, spoke about the white team’s agreements in the current winter transfer period, and also spoke about a clause that allows players to leave if they do not receive the fees for only two months.

During radio remarks for the “With Schubert” program, broadcast on Radio On Sport, Salem said: “The agreements of the team in January are related to finishing some unfinished business regarding some players during the current period. The inclusion of players will be minimum and in certain centers “.

He added that “Mahmoud Hamdi’s (Al-Winch) file is closed. He is an important player and his presence is necessary in the team at this time.”

On the authority of Mustafa Mohamed, he said: “The player is present at the team’s training sessions, but is out of the accounts of Bachcio (Zamalek coach), until his final position is determined.”

He continued: “The opportunity of a lifetime has come to some players during the last period, such as Imam Ashour and Muhammad Ashraf (Roqa).”

When asked about renewing contracts for Muhammad Abu Jabal, Ahmed Sayed Zizou and Abdullah Jumaa, he said: “Zizou owes credit to Zamalek, through which he came to the team. Everyone appreciates the current situation of the team and all the players will be appreciated “.

Salem referred to the crisis of the basketball team players, saying: “Everyone sees the scene. We will try to schedule the player sums. We have been busy with the football team for the last period. The other teams in the game will be corrected. in the coming days”.

He concluded: “We were surprised by a (strange) clause in basketball players’ contracts established by the previous council that allows players to leave the team in the event that they do not receive their fees for only two months, a clause that will definitely affect the stability of the team. “.
