Zamalek mission arrives in Senegal after 24-hour trip


Zamalek’s team mission arrived in Senegal after almost 24 hours, as the mission left Cairo yesterday at 7:00 p.m. to face Senegal’s Tongit team in the second round of the group stage of the African Champions League, scheduled for next Tuesday.

Zamalek had left Cairo on a private plane at 7pm yesterday Saturday, and the flight from Cairo to Senegal was supposed to last about eight hours, but the lack of a permit to fly through Mauritanian Airlines caused the plane will land in Algeria..

The Zamalek club’s first soccer team delegation departed from Algeria airport to Senegal via Malian Airlines, following the arrival of the mission to Senegal through Mauritanian airspace, which caused an increase in flight duration to five hours, and the technical staff led by Jaime Pacheco will have to make a modification to the team’s program upon arrival.

The Zamalek club management issued an official statement in which it thanked the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Sports and Aviation after solving the crisis of the team’s travel to Senegal that had arisen in the last hours..

The text of the declaration was as follows:

During the last hours, the committee in charge of the management of the Zamalek club formed an emergency committee to manage the recent crisis of the club’s first soccer team..

The club’s soccer team was trapped in Algeria amid the club’s refusal to enter the Algerian airway to Senegal before the Zamalek administration intervened and established contacts with all responsible authorities to resolve the crisis..

The club’s management affirms the response of the responsible authorities to the club’s communications and the concerted efforts to resolve the team’s crisis, especially as it represents Egypt in the African championship..

The committee sincerely appreciates and thanks the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Youth, Sports and Civil Aviation for their efforts to resolve the crisis..

The committee in charge of the management of the Zamalek club also expresses its confidence in the team and its ability to return from Senegal with a positive result..

The club’s first soccer team is preparing to face Senegalese Tongith in the second round of the group stage of the African Champions League, scheduled for next Tuesday..

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, announced the end of the crisis of the Zamalek mission, and the team’s private plane was heading to Senegal to face the Senegalese Tuncheth on Tuesday, in the second round of the group stage. of the African Champions League. This followed the phone call that the Minister of Youth and Sports received from Mohamed Manar, Minister of Civil Aviation, where he was informed of the end of the crisis, in light of the intense contacts that the Minister of Youth and Sports had with both the Ministers of Civil Aviation and Foreign Affairs to resolve the crisis of the Zamalek club team after the Mauritanian authorities refused the club’s private plane to pass through their airspace to go to Senegal, and the presence of the Zamalek mission in Algeria pending of the resolution of the crisis..

The Minister of Youth and Sports expressed his appreciation for the role of the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation and Foreign Affairs, and for the quick intervention to end the crisis of the Zamalek teams traveling to Senegal via their plane, highlighting fruitful cooperation and concerted efforts. between the various state institutions to support the Egyptian missions and solve any problems they may face..

The Sports Minister wished the Zamalek players success in their match against Senegalese Tongit in the African Champions League, achieving a positive result and winning the match..
