Zamalek: Good news about the renewal of Fergani Sassi coming soon


Essam Salem, official spokesperson of the Zamalek club, revealed some scenes from the file of the renewal of the Tunisian international Ferjani Sassi, midfielder of the first soccer team, which ends at the end of this season, confirming that Ibrahim Abdullah, a member of the Committee Executive and Tariq Hashish, the financial advisor, traveled to Tunisia with the team’s mission. He came to have a meeting with Muhannad Aoun, Sassi’s commercial agent, and to discuss the renewal file with him.

Salem added during his remarks to the “Ontime Stadium” program on the “On Time Sports” screen that Ibrahim Abdullah and Tariq Hashish’s travels were on their own, and they opened a file for the player’s contract renewal with their agent, saying: “You will soon be in good news regarding this file.”

For his part, journalist Saif Zahir spoke about Farjani Sassi’s contract renewal file, saying: “The Zamalek administration opened a line with the Sassi agent to confirm the renewal or non-renewal, and the Zamalek administration has identified numbers that are not as large as they are circulating, and he said to Fergani’s agent, these are our capabilities and this is the salary cap, “Will you agree or not? … And the surprise is that Ferjani Sassi gave the green light to the renovation. “

Essam Salem also confirmed that the Zamalek administration had previously opened Abdullah Jumaa’s contract renewal file, as he was one of the most important players on the team, and the player welcomed him and the file is expected to be resolved soon. .

Zamalek’s official spokesperson continued, that the current commission is facing a lot of crisis due to some past records, such as the quotas of the Portuguese club Sporting de Lisboa for Mahmoud Shikabala and the crisis of Achimbong, the former player of the team, in addition from the committee’s search for files related to the future, such as the renewal of the players’ contract, explaining that they are negotiated one way. Those crises are to schedule the amounts owed by Zamalek and avoid penalties, saying, “The point deduction issue is highly unlikely at least this season.”

And about the Tunisian Esperance showdown at 6pm Saturday at Rades Stadium, in the third round of the African Champions League group round, Essam Salem said, everyone is optimistic that the White Knight will return with three points of Tunisia and will revive its classification. hopes, pointing out that indications point to Pacheco pushing Mohammed Abu Jabal as goalkeeper, and Ahmed Sayed Zizou and Hamid Ahadad will play a role in the match and work to address goal-based infertility.
