Zamalek exits the board meeting with 4 problems


The Zamalek Club’s board of directors, chaired by Mortada Mansour, held a meeting to discuss a number of issues related to the White Club first team, and a number of important issues that were witnessed in the previous period were reviewed, especially the issue of return of the Premier League, after the current period of negative detention, which continues from mid-March Finally, and until the end of this month, after the five-year committee that manages the Football Association, headed by Amr Al -Janini made a series of proposals to resume competition during the last period.

In the next report, “The Seventh Day” reviews the cases that Zamalek decided to present to FIFA and the Sports Court after the White Council meeting.

– Zamalek complains about Aljeblaih due to higher discount points

The Zamalek Council decided, the complaint of the Football Association and the appeal to the International Court, after deducting three points from the team after not participating in the famous match against Al-Ahly, which was postponed between them from the fourth round of the Premier League competition, to be considered a 2-0 loss, with a discount of 3 White Points at the end of the season.

Zamalek opens the Century Club file and files a complaint

Zamalek’s Board also discussed the Century Club archive, and Mortada Mansour confirmed that a full archive is being prepared to discuss this matter, and White Castle’s eligibility therein, and to file a complaint about it with FIFA, after the Council decided to form a committee consisting of a quartet on the Board of Directors to follow up on that file.

– A complaint to the Sports Court about the songs against Shikapala

Zamalek’s president also emphasized the need to open the racism record against Mahmoud Shikabala, the team leader, saying: “Shikabala was calibrated to his country and the color of his skin and must be held accountable.” Mortada Mansour stressed, during the Zamalek Council meeting, that there is a note being translated at this time to escalate the matter to court. International saying: “What happened is in vain.”

– Zamalek determines his position in the case of the “shield” this season.

While Mortada Mansour identified Zamalek’s final position on the issue of awarding the League Shield to Al-Ahly this season as soon as it was canceled, he made it clear that the White Club completely rejects this issue and that Zamalek did not He will be silent if the Football Association thinks about it and escalate the matter, and Zamalek is fourth in the Premier League table this season. Before the suspension of soccer competitions, to avoid the spread of the Corona virus, with 31 points, after playing 16 games, he won in 9 matches, tied in 4 games and was defeated in 3 games, including a moral defeat against Al-Ahly to be considered withdrawn from the summit, while Al-Ahly topped the competition leaderboard. With 49 points.
