Zamalek doctor: “Quick test” does not reassure


Mohamed Osama, head of the Zamalek club’s medical staff, confirmed that the analysis of the “Rapid Test” carried out by the clubs is neither exact nor reassuring, indicating that he fired Mohamed Abdel Salam, the team’s defender, despite the integrity of the team. player analysis before facing Pyramids in the Egyptian Premier League.

Osama said, in a telephone statement to the “Al-Talah Hearing” program on “On Time Sports 2” channel on Saturday: “I asked Zamalek to exclude Mohamed Abdel Salam from facing the pyramids and made the decision to isolating him after he had Corona symptoms, although rapid test analyzes proved its safety. “

He added: “I told technical director Jaime Pacheco, Abdel Halim, the club’s football director, and Mahmoud Shikabala, in his capacity as team captain, that there is no evidence that Mohamed Abdel Salam was infected with Corona, but we had doubts , and in fact, the PCR test was positive that he had taken the sample the next day. “

He continued: “I reiterate that the Quick Test is not reassuring and inaccurate and should not be taken to determine the safety of the players. All leagues that returned in the Corona period take a PCR scan before each game, and I ask to do it in the league Egyptian every week or at least 10 days. ” “.

He concluded, “Rapid Test showed that Medhat Abdel Hadi, the team’s general coach, was healthy despite his infection with Corona before the start of the tournament.”
