Zahi Hawass reveals the true relationship of the “curse of the pharaohs” to recent incidents in Egypt


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Former Antiquities Minister Dr. Zahi Hawass confirmed that there is no “curse of the pharaohs”, adding that the incidents Egypt witnessed in recent days have nothing to do with the “curse of the pharaohs”.

Hawass said, during a telephone interview with the “Late An-Nahar” program broadcast on the “Al-Nahar” channel, that the transfer of royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum to the Museum of Civilization is something very important that our pharaohs are proud. de, explaining that the death of some scientists after the opening of ancient tombs in the past was due to the existence of toxic germs in the room where the mummies are located, since the mummy was mummified for 3000 years and more, and after a time he handled himself well during the opening of the tombs.

He added that the parade of royal mummies is the biggest propaganda for Egypt, continuing: “If we had paid billions of dollars, we would not have been able to promote Egypt in this way … The whole world will look at Egypt with great respect during the process. transport of mummies, which will last 40 minutes ”.

He added: “The procession will shake the whole world … When we sent the mummy of Ramses II to France during the reign of former President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak for a period of 6 months, it was greeted by a great royal reception. “

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