Youssef Shaaban: Who is the star of the Egyptian drama that left our world affected by the Corona virus?


Youssef Shaaban

Youssef Shaaban featured many personalities with human dimensions throughout his artistic career, and millions remind him of the role of Mohsen Mumtaz in “Raafat Al-Hagan”, Sayed Al-Dougari in “The Dougari Family”, Sarhan Al-Buhairi in ” Miramar “and Salama Farwaih in” Al-Mal and Al-Banoun “.

An audience of the late artist and his fans shared the news of his death, at age 90, on social media, recalling his most outstanding roles and artistic works.

Artist “premeditated”

Youssef Shaaban was born in the Shubra district of Cairo in 1933, and his father was a famous advertising designer, and due to his love of drawing, Youssef wanted to enter the College of Fine Arts, but his family tried to enroll him in the Police . Military College or College without his desire, and in the end he was forced to join the Faculty of Law, but his works were withdrawn from them after three years of study, then he entered the Institute of Dramatic Arts and graduated from it in 1962 .

He began in the cinema in the sixties of the last century with the film “In our home there is a man” in 1961, and then his cinematographic works exceeded 110 films.
