Yemeni activist Tawakkol Karman’s choice as a Facebook member sparks controversy in Arab newspapers.


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Tawakkol Kerman: Why did your anger on your new Facebook board infect Saudis and Emiratis?

Arab newspapers cited the election of Yemeni activist Tawakkol Karman as a member of the “International Oversight Council for Facebook and Instagram Content” after the move sparked widespread controversy in the Arab world, between supporters and opponents.

Prominent Saudi media figures also announced a boycott of Facebook, protesting Kerman’s election, which she said was being subjected to a “widespread incitement campaign.”

“Horrible sin”

Khaled Al-Sulaiman, in the Saudi newspaper Okaz, says: “When Facebook installs Tawakkol Kerman as one of its judges to define ethical standards for the content published on its pages, this does one of two things. Violence, abuse and violation of the laws, or know their truth and find benefit in them to achieve suspicious objectives. “

“In both cases, Facebook loses credibility and trust to a wide audience of its users in the Arab world, which has suffered greatly from the results of the chaos and destruction that resulted from the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and its idea adopted by Kerman and its actions that support it, “added the author.

Ahlam Akram says on the London website, “Elaph”: “I wish as a woman I can be proud of your arrival in this position. I wish to congratulate you. But my fear of your thoughts and your adoption of the Brotherhood ideology precedes objectivity, because I adopted the human identity in which neither the Brotherhood nor Mrs. Kerman believe My human identity, which rejects violence in all its forms, murder for any reason and the intellectual chaos to which the Brotherhood thought contributed.

The author asks: “Does the appointment of Kerman favor universal human values ​​… or in the interest of the Brotherhood’s hope and goal of achieving power? And in the Islamization of societies that have opened their doors?” Will it work to promote universal human values ​​that Facebook started with freedom of expression or will it promote Brotherhood-based discourse? To silence liberties. “

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The Facebook employee urged “quickly correct this horrible sin and exclude terrorist Tawakkol Kerman from your advice.”

Mohamed Ibrahim El-Desouky, in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, said: “Has the Middle East narrowed its path and did not find Facebook as a figure representing it in its esteemed council in addition to trusting Kerman with all the comments and reservations that it’s worth not thinking about the original when nominating this place? “

And he adds: “The Facebook administration must urgently correct this horrible sin and exclude the terrorist who is leaving Kerman from his advice. The scandal is greater than keeping silent about it.”

“Intellectual terrorism”

Malik and Noos said in the London newspaper “Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed”: “Many of those who spoke on social media have voiced their opposition to naming Yemeni activist Tawakkol Karman at the Council of the Wise to define the shape of the Facebook and Instagram content. They did not explain the reason for their opposition to it … They all lived under oppressive regimes that dominated the Arab countries for decades, and the role of the institutions was absent, since the person who dominates these countries it imposes laws and regulations on its size, to determine for citizens the way they live and the opinions they have to embrace.

The author adds: “The Facebook administration discovered that Tawakkol Karman became the subject of intellectual terrorism that affected her from the moment she announced her appointment to her new position. The intellectual terrorism that he himself signed is the terrorism that pushed this Management to find the advice to prevent it from appearing on Facebook and Instagram pages, and its impact on subscribers of the two sites. How has Kerman got to her seat even before she takes control?

He said: “The administration can simply notice the size of the bullying that affected its level on the pages of the site and similar sites, and this will not lead the administration to expel it, but will push it to adhere and provide protection, because it will ensure that such intimidation can become a threat that extends the life of the employee. “
