Yasmine Abdel Aziz leads the Google trend for “what is not too big”


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Yasmine Abdel Aziz, Google Trend, topped the list of the most searched among Google users, due to a video clip she posted on her Instagram account with artist Khaled El Sawy.
A video clip of scenes from his series, which will be shown next Ramadan, “What is not great”

The duo, Yasmine Abdel Aziz and Khaled El Sawy, appeared in a link from Hazar, with which his followers interacted on Instagram, which led to the dissemination of the video clip widely on social networks.

Khaled Al-Sawy appeared alongside Yasmine Abdel Aziz, who surprised him that she was recording a video clip, to express her happiness for working with her and the “Who Doesn’t Big” series crew, and confirmed that they were attending a series that would be a surprise to its fans.

Khaled Al-Sawy said during the video: “Ahmed Al-Awadi is very rigid, the director is very rigid and the writing is terrible. Wait for this series that you like.”

It should be noted that the actress, Yasmine Abdel Aziz, had revealed her character in her new series, “Lai Maloush Kabir”, where she posted a photo of the scenes in the photograph through her account on “Instagram”, saying: “Girando el one that is not big ”, so the image won the admiration of hundreds of his followers, his gaze and his lightness.

The series “Who Malouche Kabir” is the first experience that Yasmine Abdel Aziz and her husband Ahmed Al-Awadi met after their marriage. The team includes Mahmoud Hafez, Khaled Al-Sawy, Dunia Abdulaziz, Ahmed Abdullah Mahmoud, Ahmed Saeed Abdul-Ghani, Iman Al-Sayed, Badria Tolba, Aida Riad and the play The Drama is directed by Mostafa Fikry and written by Amr Mahmoud Yassin.

In the series, Yasmine abandons the social template through which she appeared last season, and presents a work full of emotion, suspense and action in a social comic format.

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