Yallakora’s interview with Hafeez Darraji


He is one of the most famous commentators in the Arab world, his sentiments often appeared with the Algerian team, as many examples are perhaps the most prominent of which is the African Cup of Nations, which was held in Egypt last year, here We are talking about sportscaster Hafeez Darraji.

Draghi had many positions and opinions, perhaps the most prominent of which was his visit to the Al-Ahly club during his stay in Egypt last year, as well as his permanent support for the national team in various events, whether continental or global.

“Yalla Koura” got in touch with the most famous presenter in the Arab world to talk with him about the superiority of the Algerian team in the previous edition of the African Cup of Nations, as well as the fight of the two stars Mohamed Salah and Riyad Mahrez and his opinion in the Egyptian League.

Here are the details of the dialog as follows:

From your point of view, what are the reasons for the superiority of the Algerian team at the recent African Cup of Nations?

One of the reasons for the superiority of the Algerian team is coach Djamel Belmadi. If we go back a few years earlier, we will find the same line-up, but Algerian football and the Algerian team lived in an unstable situation, with or without the intention of some analysts and the media. Jamal Belmadi’s presence in these difficult circumstances was a resurgence. In the national team, I think his role was very great, both psychologically, mentally and technically, because after the departure of French coach Christian Gourcove, we did not see organization, play and spirit at a level like this, but in the past he made the team moved from earth to heaven in a year to crown the African Cup of Nations in the presence of the strongest African team, in addition to holding the tournament in Egypt, I think the credit goes to coach Jamal Belmadi from the first class after the Algerian team played seven games in a wonderful way.

Why do we see the supremacy of Algeria at the national level in the past period and the disappearance of clubs in the African arena?

Algerian clubs do not have the culture of Egyptian, Tunisian and Moroccan clubs, and a club like TP Mazembe is the Congolese, which is the culture of competition and the crowning of continental clubs. This competition requires traditions and culture, and this exists to a large extent at the club level in Egypt and also at the national team level, in Algeria it is difficult for economic reasons and misuse OR bad facilities on the side of the media and the masses They have a big negative role, we can see some competition, specifically from ES Setif or USMA after reaching the knockout stages in the 2017 edition, but the brilliance here is the (circumstantial) brilliance only based on work. Tawil, and therefore on a continental level, does not count for any account for Algerian clubs, and this is normal.

What do you think of the level of the Arab players, specifically last season?

It is difficult to assess this season due to the suspension of competitions for three months, but Mohamed Salah, Riyad Mahrez, Hakim Ziyash and Ashraf Hakimi are still among the best Arab players, and there are also Arab players who have shone with their Arab clubs, either in Asia or Africa, but for me the great brilliance is still at the European level and in the largest. Clubs, I don’t think last season brought anything new or brought out new stars.

In your opinion, who is the better player compared to Mohamed Salah and Riyad Mahrez?

As Mahrez said, and Salah also said it once, I remember once that the comparisons are between the fans and the media, for me I do not compare the players, each one has its weight and its value, even those that are compared between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, I think it’s an inappropriate comparison. They are both creative and each player has an imprint on his team and his country. .

– Do you think, from your point of view, that Riyad Mahrez was unfair by not being named the best player in Africa?

No, he was not hurt, he was crowned the best player in Africa for his access to the English Premier League with Leicester City and then confirmed that by winning the title again with Manchester City, it is true that Riyad Mahrez does not play a lot with City and the fans are deprived of the fun that Mahrez offers, but if it was Mahrez moved to another club that had not won these titles. He can play, but he will not achieve the many titles he has achieved with City, but I advise Mahrez to move to another team to enjoy Mahrez’s skills each week. He could move to Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal or Tottenham can play in other major leagues in Europe.

– Your comment on Hakim Ziyech’s move to Chelsea?

Ziyash has a great potential, it is true that the Dutch league is not like the English Premier League, but the ability that Ziash has can highlight it more in the English Premier League and with Chelsea, I hope all the best for him. This is the stage you need to reach a higher stage in the Dutch league and I wish you all the best. .

– During your stay in Egypt, you had a visit to the Al-Ahly club … your comment?

A visit that I will not forget throughout my life, I did not expect such hospitality, I wanted to discover this entity. I had the idea of ​​my visit to the Al-Ahly club, which came under wonderful circumstances due to the victory of the Algerian team in the African Cup of Nations. I saw things that I would stay and made sure that Al-Ahly is not like other clubs and this is what I saw during My visit, I will be happy with another visit and Al-Ahly has great affection in my heart like the rest of fans who love football and fun because they love originality.

How would you classify the Egyptian League?

Honestly, what affected me a lot is the lack of public attendance because it is very pleasant, but the Egyptian league is still one of the three best leagues in the Arab world and in Africa in general, but if the fans had attended it would have been better, I see that the problem of the Egyptian league is due to the repeated postponements for various reasons, the league. It almost does not end when the league ends, a new league begins, I think its main problem is the lack of programming, since it is considered the only league that is played in summer, for more organization, the Egyptian league will be better, as it happens in Europe and some Arab leagues.

– From your point of view … who is the best Arab player in African history?

It is possible to choose between the current generation, specifically between Mohamed Salah and Riad Mehrez or the generation of al-Khatib and Lakhdar Belloumi, it is possible to make a comparison between Muhammad Abu Trika and one of his generation, and therefore Africa and the Arab world have many stars and we chose a player. We will oppress the rest. Each player left their mark. Therefore, the comparisons are not good, we have to thank all the Arab stars for the effort they made during their playing period.
