With the death toll in Corona declining … countries are facilitating the closure process


For the first time in six weeks, children in Spain left their homes on Sunday, coinciding with the decrease in closings by several countries, as New York State suggested resuming economic activities after May 15 in the light of the decrease in daily deaths of Covid-19.

Although the death toll of people infected with Covid-19 is now close to three million people worldwide, the governments of several countries, including France, Italy and the United States, are preparing to partially ease the tight restrictions, that have forced half of the people to stay in their homes for weeks.

In a striking indication, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson returned to government headquarters in London, a month after being affected by Covid-19, hospitalized and then intensive care.

Spanish families have taken advantage of new rules that allow children to go out for the first time since March 14, and children have been seen playing bicycles on the streets of Madrid, and some have worn masks and gloves.

“They are so excited and impatient,” Immaculada Paredes said as she prepared to carry her two children, ages four and seven. “Wake up from 06:30 am, singing (we will go out, we will go out)!”

Ricardo (six years old) said that leaving the house is “very good”, talking about his adventure with his younger sister in the city.

Under the new rules, children can go out once a day, between 09:00 and 21:00, but cannot move more than a kilometer from their homes.

The new rules took effect when the number of deaths in a country that was most affected by the virus dropped to 288 on Sunday, the lowest number since March 30.

Spain recorded more than 23,000 deaths from the virus, ranking third worldwide after Italy (26,600) and the United States (53,000). The agreement is reported to be based on absolute numbers of deaths, without calculating its proportion compared to the population.

In New York, State Governor Andrew Como announced Sunday that some industrial activities and construction workshops could resume after May 15.

He noted that this will be done in a first stage in the northern state, not in New York City.

The number of new coronavirus infections worldwide reached more than two million and 900,000 on Sunday, while the number of deaths exceeded 204,000, more than half in Europe, according to the France Press census.

It seems that the daily death toll in western countries has begun to stabilize and even decrease in the countries most affected by the epidemic, as the numbers released by Italy, Spain and France began to stabilize in recent days.

Governments are planning a gradual relaxation of closure measures to prevent a sudden return to normal, and therefore an outbreak of the virus again, amid warnings from the World Health Organization that the bodies of Recovered may not have developed immunity to prevent their infection again.

Other countries in Europe affected by the virus are beginning to consider the possibility of a prudent return to normal life.

Italian authorities said 260 new deaths were recorded on Sunday, the lowest number since March 14, with schools reopening next September, while many companies may resume activities next week. On Tuesday, French authorities are expected to unveil plans.

In Britain, where more than 20,000 people died from the epidemic, the government resists calls to ease restrictions imposed across the country despite registering Sunday, the lowest daily death toll since Dec. 31. March, with 413 new deaths.

Ramadan at home

In parallel, Saudi Arabia announced on Sunday that it will partially lift the curfew for 24 hours and allow shopping malls and stores to open their doors during specific hours.

However, the Kingdom authorities announced the continued closure of the holy city of Makkah throughout the day.

Muslims in Saudi Arabia have joined hundreds of millions of their peers worldwide, who have celebrated the second day of Ramadan in their homes, avoiding traditional family gatherings at the iftar table, in implementing the divergence measures. imposed social.

Refuse expert advice

The American authorities in Georgia have allowed thousands of companies to resume their activities, starting with hairdressers and not bowling alleys, rejecting the advice of prominent epidemiologists.

United States President Donald Trump has repeatedly underscored his desire to resume business in the world’s largest economy, even when health advisers warn of the danger of facilitating closure too soon or too quickly.

Trump also criticized the media and accused journalists of asking hostile questions, hinting that his daily reports on the epidemic are not worth his time.

Immune warning

While the new reported cases appear to have stabilized at around 80,000 per day, the world is still watching, while companies and governments are competing to develop treatments and subsequently vaccinate against the virus.

Some governments are considering measures such as “immunity passports” as a way to get people back to work weeks after the global economy closes.

“If I have already had Corona, I am not contagious,” said Lothar Kopp, a Berlin resident, expressing hope that an antibody test result will be positive as it could allow him to visit his elderly mother.

But the World Health Organization warned that those recovering from the virus cannot be sure of not contracting it again.

“There is currently no evidence that those who recovered from Covid-19 and who had antibodies were protected from a second infection,” the organization said in a statement.

Several countries, including France and Germany, plan to use virus-related tracking apps that notify users if they are around someone who has been confirmed to have an emerging crown infection.

The technology started in Australia, where it raised privacy concerns among some, and Singapore used it widely.

Meanwhile, a new set of anti-epidemic measures was taken in Beijing that prohibits “uncivilized” behavior, such as not covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
