11:16 a. M.
Saturday 03 October 2020
Books – Muhammad Abdel Nasser:
Meteorological experts announced weather forecasts for the next 72 hours, as today, Saturday and Sunday, a moderate climate prevails on the northern coasts, inclined towards Cairo, while Lower Egypt is hot in the north of Upper Egypt and South Sinai is very hot in southern Upper Egypt during the day.
The experts added that light rains are expected on the northeastern coasts, and will be moderate and sometimes thunderstorms in southern Upper Egypt, accompanied by excitement of sand and dust.
The experts noted that the average temperatures recorded in Cairo and Lower Egypt are 32 and 33 degrees, the northern coasts are 30 and 31 degrees, and the southern regions range between 34 and 39 degrees.
Experts from the General Meteorological Authority explained that, for Monday’s weather, it is very hot on the northern coasts up to Cairo and Lower Egypt, hot in the north of Upper Egypt and South Sinai, very hot in the south of Upper Egypt.
Experts also expect light rain to fall in separate areas of southern Sinai and the Red Sea mountain ranges, and the warning about water fog will remain in the morning on the northern coasts, Cairo and Lower Egypt.
Regarding the state of the winds for the next 72 hours, the winds are moderate in southern Sinai, causing disturbances in maritime navigation, and they are active in southern Upper Egypt, causing sand and dust.
The authority clarified that there remains to be a warning about the morning water sludge on the northern coasts, Cairo and Lower Egypt during the next period.