Why did the Messenger order us to turn off the lights at night when we sleep? … for 3 reasons that many are unaware of


Why did the Messenger order us to turn off the lights at night? Is it a prophetic commandment? Is it among the commandments of the Prophet that he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, exhort me? Turn off the lights at night Close doors and windows Evening time Especially when we sleep, we have heard that we have to Lights off at night andClose the doors and windows at sunset to keep out the jinn and demons, does that mean? Lights out all night andThat windows should be closed at night? mother Evening time Only? And if it is the second, how long is the exact period? The Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – left us a rich legacy that we can guide in all aspects of our lives, and he made us Sunnahs. for everything, that’s why he guided us to the sunnahs of sleep, prayers in the morning and in the afternoon, leaving and entering the house, seeking sustenance, marriage and anguish and prosperity, sadness and joy, he did not leave a side or a dark corner in our life, that is why we find his commandments as lamps that illuminate our paths and with which we are guided and led to reach safety and happiness in this world and paradise in the hereafter, but the question remains. Why did the Messenger order us to turn off the lights at night, Matruh?.

Why did the Messenger order us to turn off the Anwarlila?

Why did the Messenger order us to turn off the lights at night? Turn off the lights at night And urging to close doors and windows at dusk Especially when you sleep, in what was narrated from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him, he said: Allah’s Messenger may peace be upon him: ‘If the darkness of night or Omseetm guard your children, the devil spreads, if the golden clock of the night then let them go, and close the doors, and remember the name of God, The devil does not open a closed door, and Ochoa you are near, and remember the name of God, Khmarwa Anatkm and remember the name of God, even if they run into something, and put out their lamps. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3280) – narrated – and Muslim (2012), and Turn off the lights at night And urging to close doors and windows at dusk Especially when he sleeps, he says in Al-Bukhari (5624) writing: “Turn off the lamps when you fall asleep, close the doors and fill the drinking troughs and brewers.”

Talk about turning off the lights at night.

Talk about turning off the lights at night andUrging to close doors and windows Evening time Especially when he sleeps, when Ahmad (14747): «Khmarwa immediate and Ookioa Alosagah and Ojavo door and turn off the lights when he goes to bed, the Alfoasagh perhaps unleashes a wick that burns the house, and Okvetoa his children at night, generalized geniuses and kidnapped », has also declared (14597) in Lights off at night andClosing doors at dusk or encouraging doors and windows to be closed at night, especially when sleeping: “Close the doors at night and turn off the lights.

When the doors close

Close the doors at dusk or urge them to close the doors and windows at night, especially when they sleep, in which these hadiths and their meaning indicate two things: The first: It is prescribed at nightfall to prevent children – also like the rest of the cattle – camels, sheep, etc. – to go out. Because this is a time when demons are scattered on the earth, and children and other animals are not safe from their hosts, and the second is to close the doors of houses, rooms and windows at night, if not there is a need to open them. them, especially when they want to sleep, so the kids can’t go out first thing at night. As for the closing of windows and doors, this is done during the general night, it is not limited to its start, if it is not necessary to open them This is the maintenance of the house and its people from the entrance of demons and everything that damages the deceptions of the earth.

Demons come out at sunset time

Closing the doors at dusk or urging them to close doors and windows at night, especially when they sleep, in which Ibn Abd al-Barr, may God have mercy on him, said: “In this hadith, the order to close the doors of the houses at night, and this is an ordered Sunnah to accompany people to the demons of humanity and the geniuses ”. End (8/363) And about closing the doors at dusk or urging them to close doors and windows at night, especially when they sleep, Ibn Battal, may God have mercy on him, said: “He, peace be upon him, ordered him to close the doors at night for fear of the spread of demons and their power to terrorize believers and harm them. End of “Sharh” Sahih Al-Bukhari ”by Ibn Battal (9/67).

Close the doors at sunset or urge to close doors and windows at night, especially when sleeping, so that the Muslim should not stress about it, and he sees that when the night has entered the dawn, he should close all the doors and all the doors. windows of the house, and if he sees someone from his house, he opens the window at night, and thus he can bring hardening to his people, but it is said: It is not necessary that every door opens at night, closes, and also windows and windows, and everything that was opened out of necessity, there is nothing wrong with opening it, and then it is closed when the need has passed, and confirmed. This is especially when you want to sleep, and that includes keeping the sanctities of the house from the demons of humanity and geniuses, so if the people in the house want to open the windows, for example due to the intensity of the heat, while guarding the sanctities, then there is nothing wrong with opening them. , and if there is something that requires a certain door to be opened permanently due to frequent entry and exit, then there is nothing wrong with it, open it, and when the need has passed, it will close and close.

Ban when children go out at sunset

He received another report that he said in a statement in time to prevent the children and that at sunset, and saying peace be upon him: “Do not send Vouachikm and your children if the sun is absent until you go to dinner Fahma, the demons are emitted if the sun was absent until he went to Fahma’s supper ”(Narrated by Muslim).

According to Imam al-Nawawi in his comment: Alfoashi all Kalabl fuzzy money, sheep and other cattle, and others, Fahma supper Zlmtha and blackness, and he interpreted some of them here Bakabbalh first lament, as well as mentioned by the owner of the end of the strange , he said: The darkness is told that between Maghrib and ‘Isha: Alvhmh, and you between supper And dawn is bad.

The exact time to go out at night.

And after a period of time from the beginning of the night, there is nothing wrong with releasing the boys. Because the time when the demons were dispersed has passed, and by this it can be understood, and God knows better, that the demons after this period found refuge for themselves.

And the wisdom behind the spread of demons at this time other than the day, as Ibn Hajar mentioned: “Because their movement is possible at night than during the day; Because darkness brings demonic powers over others, just like all darkness. ”

And from the Sunnah to close the doors at the beginning of sunset, and mentioned the name of Almighty God, which is evidenced by: The hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of God, may God bless you and grant you peace, said: “If the night flock is – or you are two nights – then stop your youth. So when the night time is over, then they stay behind, and close the doors, and remember the name of God, because Satan is just the night opens and the door closes:

Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr stated in his explanation of the hadith: In this hadith, the command to close the doors of houses at night, and that is an orderly Sunnah, accompanied by people. For the demons of humanity and geniuses, and as for his saying: “Satan does not open a door that closes, nor does he let it be a wicket.” This is a notification from him and an announcement of God’s blessings: be glorified and exalted in his servants, since he has not been revealed to you, nor has power been given to his servants. A glass, and that these things have been prohibited, although it was given more than them by penetration, and penetration where people do not enter ”.

Al-Khatib Al-Sherbini Al-Shafi’i said: “It is promulgated when night falls to cover the container even with the width of a stick, mourn the waterings, close the doors, call God the Most High in the three, and stop children and livestock first thing in the evening, and turn off the lamp to sleep. “
