Wholesale fallacies of the tripartite committee of the Football Federation in the VAR file and deceive the clubs


Wholesale fallacies listed by FIFA’s tripartite committee in charge of the management of the application of video technology, either in its meeting with the clubs today Wednesday, or by them, in an attempt to agitate to public opinion against this important experiment in the history of Egyptian football, nothing more than undermining the five-year commission. The previous administration in the Football Association was so that its members led by Amr Al-Ganaini were not counted for this unprecedented achievement in Egyptian football, whereby Egypt entered the ranks of developed countries around the world, in less than seven months from the date the commission assumed its mission, which aroused the surprise of FIFA at the time. In the rapid implementation of the project and the provision of all its material and human requirements in this standard period.

The members of the temporary commission tried to interrupt the application of the mouse in the Egyptian league, using a test balloon, but it exploded by the clubs and the fans in the face of the tripartite commission, forcing their officials to withdraw in front of the clubs in today’s meeting, and confirm that the VAR will not be canceled.

Regarding what was raised about the existence of violations in the video technology contract, an informed source revealed that the file was complete from the beginning of the discussion and when it was only an idea that was presented to all the regulatory authorities and the five-year committee it obtained all the legally required approvals from the regulatory authorities, and its members even received thanks and recognition. From the Ministry of Sports through an official letter on the effort made to introduce the Egyptian football mouse.

Regarding the absence of a contract between Al-Jabaliya and the executing company of Al-Far, the same source explained that the project was carried out through a transfer order based on a tender according to all legal procedures and is not contaminated by no defect, and includes a lease at the end of its term transferring ownership of all tools used to the Football Federation, as well A condition that establishes that the Football Association has the right to receive all developments related to video technology first hand, and follow: “This has been accepted by the responsible mouse administration within the International Federation after great transparency in the handling of this file.”

The source pointed out that the Five-Year Committee managed to obtain the lowest cost in terms of mouse technology with a value of $ 3,000 per game, while the cost in most countries ranges between 3 and 5,000 euros, highlighting that the Football Association adds to the technical benefit of Egyptian football. From the application of the mouse, he achieved great economic gains by agreeing with the sponsor to bear the costs of the mouse in full, with the possibility that Jabaliya will obtain additional amounts in the event of an advertising surplus of the amount paid by the sponsoring company.
