White House’s first comment on Kremlin spokesman injury to “Corona”


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Today, the White House commented on the infection of Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov with the new Corona virus and its impact on the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“As far as we know, Russian President Vladimir Putin is in excellent health,” US President Robert O’Brien’s national security adviser told reporters.

He added: “This is a severe virus, which has infected some even in the White House and world leaders like British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.”

He continued: “Everyone must be careful and pay attention to this.”

In response to a question about the health of the Russian president, he replied: “We have no information, except that President Putin is fine.”

He noted that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, spoke to Putin last week, and Putin was “in a good mood and in good health.”

“We have no reason to suspect otherwise,” he added.

Russian Presidency spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced to Sputnik on Tuesday that he had contracted the new Corona virus.

“Yes, I fell ill and was being treated,” Peskov said in response to a question.

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