Which blood group is most affected by the repercussions of “Covid-19”?


05:25 p. M.

Friday 16 October 2020

Berlin – (Deutsche Welle):

Covid-19 disease is still surrounded by many mysteries, with injuries ranging from severe to minor, death, or no symptoms. Several studies show the role of blood type in better understanding why not all people have the same symptoms.

The mysteries of the Corona virus do not end, as scientists and researchers solve a puzzle of its symptoms and the causes of its transmission until they find themselves in front of another mystery: One of the most prominent mysteries of the emerging Corona virus: Why some cases end in death, despite intensive medical care, while other cases do not even appear? Symptoms of the disease?

Scientists are trying to find a satisfactory answer to this confusing question, which bears the answer, perhaps the actual number of people around the world who have been infected with the SARS-Covid-2 virus and have developed immunity against it.

The known answer so far was that Corona symptoms are fatal in the elderly and people suffering from other chronic diseases or an imbalance in their immune system.

But it seems that researchers from Germany and Norway have found the end of the thread in this puzzle through a recent study of them, as the research team examined 1,610 Corona patients and carefully monitored the course of the development of their disease, especially those who needed to provide them with oxygen.

The patients come from seven regions severely affected by the disease in Italy and Spain, such as Milan, Monza, Madrid, San Sebastián and Barcelona, ​​according to the German newspaper “Mercur”.

The German-Norwegian research team led by Tom Carlsen of the Oslo University Hospital and Andre Frank of the University of Kiel, Germany, expanded the study by obtaining 2205 blood samples from healthy people from both countries to compare them with those suffering from the disease. Crown. In the “German”.

The study concluded that people with type A blood are more susceptible to the disease than people with other blood types. They also found that the risk is lower for people whose blood type, or, so that their owners do not get sick.

The study revealed that people with type A blood need twice as much oxygen during treatment for Corona disease and that they need more ventilators compared to those with type O blood.

As for the rest of the AB and B blood groups, the severity of the symptoms of the disease in their owners varies between these two types in several ways, as the German website NTV reports on the study.

The Chinese researchers are reported to have previously reached a similar conclusion before, but their study results have not been confirmed. But the research team from Germany and Norway indicated that the results of their study have not yet undergone what is called “peer review,” which means in the research world a process of evaluating the work of a person with competition and competition by specialists in the same field.

The German site NTV calculates that medical statistics indicate that 37% of the German population has a + A blood type and 35% has a + O blood type, and the + B blood type is among the German population with only the 9%, while the two blood types are -A. AND -O is about 6%. As for AB + by 4%, and -B by 2%, while the rarest blood type in Germany is AB-1%.

Similar paths

In the case of malaria, for example, scientists have determined that there is a relationship between the disease and different types of blood. It is now known that people with the “O” blood type rarely develop severe malaria and are well protected from the violent course.

In the case of various diseases, the other blood types better protect the human body, and this applies to the role of blood type “A” in the plague.
