What is the rule about deliberately leaving Fajr prayer or sleeping? Iftaa is answered


He neglected the Fajr prayer. It was narrated with the authority of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – who said: “Whoever forgets a prayer, or sleeps from it, then his penance is to pray it when he remembers it Until he performs the prayer in which he slept or he forgot, and he has no time to ban it, so if he forgot the sunrise, then he paid no attention to it except Zuhr, so he hastened to pray and pray Zuhr.

He left the dawn prayer to sleep

Sheikh Ahmad Mamdouh, Director of the Sharia Research Department and Secretary of the Fatwa Committee in Dar Al Ifta, said that the true Sharia sets dates for performing the five daily prayers, and the Muslim must perform the prayers he did not realize.

“Mamdouh” he added, during his answer to the question: “Is it permissible to perform the Fajr prayer after sunrise?”, That whoever delays the morning prayer until the sun rises, is intentionally sinning legally for that and must perform ritual prayer. .

He explained that the time for the Fajr prayer begins with the dawn of the second dawn, “the true dawn”, which is the beginning of the departure of the night, and the arrival of the first white of the morning, when blackness mixes with the target, and when the light spreads over the horizons, the muezzin calls for prayer. An indication of the beginning of the time for performing the morning prayers and the end of the time for the evening prayers, tahajjud and qiyaam, and the time for sunrise ends at sunrise.
And he claimed that he does not sin according to Shariah if he neglects the Fajr prayer at the specified time for it due to an excuse such as sleeping or forgetting. Because the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever forgets a prayer, or sleeps from it, expiates it so that he may pray it when he remembers it … It does not lead to the atonement of the Prophet’s prayer. Or you forgot, and you have no time to forbid it, so if you forget the sunrise and just pay attention to it, you should hurry to pray it and pray Zuhr.

Rules on deliberately leaving prayer until time is up

Sheikh Ahmed Mamdouh, Fatwa’s secretary in Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa, said that if he intentionally abandoned the Fajr prayer in time, even though the person was awake, he had committed a major sin.

The Secretary of the Fatwa added in his fatwa, that if a person is asleep, then he should pray this prayer after waking up with the hadith of the Prophet: “Whoever sleeps for a prayer or forgets it, let him pray if he mentions it. “

Punishment for neglecting prayer in this world and the hereafter and the grave

The punishment for deliberately neglecting the Fajr prayer is clear in that the Fajr prayer is a weapon for the believer and a weapon for the disobedient who neglects it. It has great secrets and virtues that the believer enjoys, and it also has destructive effects and terrifying penalties for those who do not.

• Have the qualities of hypocrites: Ibn Masoud says: “You have seen us, and what remains in the Fajr prayer is a hypocrite known to be a hypocrite.” And Al-Faruq, may God be pleased with him, used to say, “If we lost the man at dawn, we would think ill of him.”

• Woe and the abolition of the one who neglects the Fajr prayer: Almighty God says: (And after them followed a successor who wasted prayer and followed desires, and they will meet a sinner).

• Satan urinates in the ears of the sleeper from the dawn prayer: It was mentioned in the hadith: “A man was mentioned by the Prophet, prayers of God and peace be upon him, who slept at night until he was converted, and said “That was a man who had no memory. About the sleeping slave and took him lightly, until he made his ears a place to urinate.”

Whoever deliberately gave up prayer will make up for it

Dr. Mahmoud Shalabi, secretary of the Fatwa Committee in Dar Al Iftaa, said that Fajr and Morning are two names for one name, which is the obligatory prayer between dinner and noon.

Shalabi explained in a video that Dar Al Iftaa broadcast on his official YouTube channel, in response to a question: What is the rule about who neglects the Fajr prayer, knowing that he prays the morning prayer? The duty of the Muslim is not to delay the morning prayer until it is past its time, which is sunrise, noting that in the event of dawn, the servant will perform it regularly, regardless of whether he intends morning or sunrise.

Leaving Qunoot in the dawn prayer

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Ajmi, secretary of the Fatwa Committee in the Egyptian Dar Al-Ifta, said that Qunoot means continuous worship, as Almighty God said: (Keep prayers and prayers in between, and defend God, two laws, and Always Praise God.

Al-Ajami replied, “Is the qunoot supplication obligatory in the Witr prayer?” That Qunoot is the supplication that the worshiper brings after bowing in the second rak’ah of dawn. Regarding this supplication in this regard, that is his saying, Peace be upon him, as mentioned in the Sunnah. (Oh God, guide me to the one who guided me and heal me in the one who recovered until the end of the supplication), and it is known to be a confirmed Sunnah. from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Witr, as well as in morning or sunrise prayer, and it is not required.
