Were you watching another game? Hassan Almastawi


Published on: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 21:40 | Last update: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 21:40

** Like a storm in the sea with Liverpool playing half an hour of their best game in years, against Arsenal, during which the team gave a lesson in the astonishing “counter or counter pressure” or the Jegen Pressing style of Jurgen Klopp. When the team loses the ball, the attack and the three backs give up. The opponent is in his area very fast, to prevent him from passing, and thus Liverpool extracts the ball quickly, and this is not only an offensive form, but it is very defensive, depriving the opponent of possession of the ball, and as it is his custom, Juergen Klopp played in the basic formation or with his traditional attack power Salah, Firmino, Mani, Keita, Valendum, Fabinho, Van Dyck and. Alexander Arnold and Robertson played the offensive defenders. There is no team capable of putting five players under pressure on the opponent in the penalty area as Liverpool did in the first half hour of that match. I can only find this description of that time period: “Pressure, pressure, pressure, attack, attack, attack, quick, quick quick!
** The result is the one that has seen the game in terms of time change, with the advantage of Arsenal, with a goal that changed after 3 minutes. The encounter ended with Liverpool winning 3/1, with the ingenuity to switch to Al-Ratem, sometimes calmly and then quickly attacking others. It is the premier league. The strongest league in the world. With his prolific results and goals, and his crazy games. Excessive and noisy. At Anfield, Liverpool stand up when they want and attack fiercely when they want. Despite the toughness of Arsenal. The green field seemed to be the stage for red puppets moving and playing with joy and joy, speed and anger as well. Salah practices flashes of play with his ability to control the ball and pass. While Firmino and Sadio Mane sneak into the Arsenal box, in the middle of the crowd, as if each of them were a cat chasing another ping-pong ball, as The Guardian said in their reading of the match … What analogy!
** Another story of the party is in the background. Roy Kane, a former Manchester United star and Sky Sports analyst, described Liverpool’s performance as poor. Seeing that the team was not playing well, and was characterized by a slow performance, and in a televised post-match interview, Juergen Klopp responded and said: “Did you listen well?” Did Mr. Kane say we were bad tonight? I can already hear you, did you say that? “
Are you saying tonight was a bad performance? “I’m not sure I heard it correctly. He may be talking about another coincidence because he cannot refer to that coincidence. Sorry, this is an incredible description of that coincidence.”
And Juergen Klopp added: “There was nothing wrong, nothing at all. We dominated the game from the first moment against a team that relied heavily on counterattacks.”
** Juergen Klopp’s response made Roy Kean recoil, softening the atmosphere by saying, “I said there were bad times in the match, but I think you were great. I just congratulated you. I’m not sure you heard me correctly, do you need hear the rest of the words? ” ! ».
** The discussion ended, telling Kane that Liverpool are capable of retaining the title, but I think that the analyst, the writer and everyone who comes up against expressing a technical opinion on a team’s performance should think about what they say before pronouncing it, and seeing the game with the utmost impartiality, and seeing its different aspects very deeply. And see the winner and see the loser, and how did they both play?
