Weather warning: dust storm hits most governorates … and the weather is cold at night


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Iman Shaker, the agent of the Remote Sensing Center of the General Meteorological Authority, said that the maximum temperature in Cairo reached 35 degrees yesterday, and will drop again today and will reach 30 and 31 in Cairo.

And he continued, during a telephone conversation with the media, Rasha Magdy, in the program “Sabah Al-Balad”, broadcast on the Sada Al-Balad channel, that there is a desert depression that has affected Egypt since last Saturday and It has caused high temperatures and its owner, which indicates that it comes from the Libyan desert, and is heading east towards the western regions. From Egypt, like Matrouh and Siwa, leading to the activity of exciting sand and dust winds, and the deterioration of horizontal visibility to reach 20 meters on some roads.

Iman Shaker explained that the intensity of the storm varies in intensity from one region to another, as the western regions will be more affected and will witness a lack of horizontal visibility, sometimes reaching as low as 20 meters.

He added that Cairo and Lower Egypt will be affected by the dust storm from the Libyan desert, but will be less affected than the western regions, explaining that the northern regions of Upper Egypt and Sinai will be affected and with it the visibility will decrease. .

The agent of the Remote Sensing Center of the General Meteorological Authority advised travelers to drive in silence to avoid accidents.

He pointed out that spring is known for the presence of climatic fluctuations and is known as the Khamaseen winds, explaining that the temperature rises at the end of the day and returns to the beginning of tomorrow, and the fall reaches 10 degrees in some areas, while that the temperature drops in Cairo this afternoon and the citizens feel cold and the maximum tomorrow reaches 23 degrees.

He concluded that low temperatures are accompanied by wind activity and a cold mass, and there are rains on the northern coasts, but they are light, and temperatures return to normal rates during the day and night, and the maximum is between 21 and 22..

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