We recall the deportation, displacement and murder of 1.5 million Armenians.


Source: Dubai – Al Arabiya Canal

United States President Donald Trump said Saturday that “since 1915, 1.5 million Armenians have been deported, deported, and killed,” referring to the Turkish massacres against Armenians.

He added: “Today we remember the Armenians and all those who suffered in the Great Disaster.”

And Trump continued: “We promise to take a lesson from the lessons of the past so that these events are not repeated.”

Since the end of the Russian Ottoman War in 1878 and the defeat of the Turks at the hands of the Russians, the Ottoman leaders pointed the guilty finger at the hands of the Armenians, blaming them for this defeat, as the Armenian residents residing in the Ottoman lands were accused of conspiring against the state and supporting the Russian Empire to begin as a result of the repression of the Armenians, which The years 1894 and 1896 included what is known as the Hamidiyeh massacres, after the Ottoman sultan Abdul Hamid II, who killed some 250,000 Armenians and aroused the wrath of the great powers.

For her part, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, condemned the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians.

Pelosi said in a statement: “On this day, 105 years after the leaders of the Ottoman Empire began their systematic annihilation of 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children, we take the time to honor the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The appalling acts of barbarism committed against innocent Armenians remain a stigma. ” In human history and a terrible reminder of our responsibility and vigilance against the atrocities of our time. “

Meanwhile, the US Senator, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, said that today we officially remember 1.5 million innocent lives lost 105 years ago by the Ottoman Empire.

“I was proud to lead efforts in the Senate to pass a bipartisan resolution to commemorate and recognize this genocide,” Cruz added in a tweet Saturday on his Twitter account.

This occurs when the former vice president of the United States, Joe Biden, promised to officially recognize the Armenian genocide in 1915 if he is elected president of the United States of America, a measure that former presidents have avoided for years.

In addition, several members of the US Congress condemned the massacres committed by Turkey against the Armenians, along with the commemoration of those massacres.
