We published a letter informing the Egyptian Olympic Committee of all federations of the punishment of Mortada Mansour


The Egyptian Olympic Committee sent an official letter to all sports federations, informing them of the decisions of the Olympic Committee and the sanctions imposed by Ali Mortada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club, during the last emergency meeting of the committee last Sunday, where the committee he asked the federations to start implementing the sanctions.

The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee met last Sunday to consider the result of the investigation of the complaints presented by the president of the Al-Ahly club, the former president of the Zamalek club, the deputy and members of the club’s board of directors. Zamalek, the Egyptian Football Association and the head of the main referee committee of the Egyptian Football Association. Football, the Egyptian Handball Federation and a series of sports figures, all affected by the insults, calumnies and insults of the president of the Zamalek Club, them and the sports institutions they represent, through the Zamalek satellite channel, who He retired from his sports function, as well as social networks.

Speech of the Olympic Federations (1)
Olympic speech to federations

Speech of the Olympic Federations (2)
Olympic speech to federations

The investigations carried out by the judge / head of the investigation commission and the head of the Court of Appeals in the violations addressed in the investigation, which was registered with number 13 of 2020, the investigation was limited, to the confirmation of the violations attributed to it, which constituted a flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, which has become the basis for the demolition of sports values ​​and ideals, and a waste of the sublime meanings that Civilized nations produce from sport, and this matter that the Egyptian Olympic Committee had to defend, no matter how many times, and not be complacent when facing it so that it does not become a general behavior with which ugliness becomes good, and constitutes a destruction of the Egyptian youth and youth. The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee decided unanimously to approve the conclusion of the memorandum of the investigation committee to impose the following sanctions on Mortada Ahmed Mohamed Mansour, president of the Zamalek Sports Club:

– First :

Mortada Ahmed Mohamed Mansour, president of the Board of Directors of Zamalek Athletic Club, stopped practicing any sporting activity in Egypt for a period of four years (4 years) and was fined one hundred thousand Egyptian pounds only with the consequences of this , including the following: in particular:

A – Not approving your representation of the Zamalek Sports Club in front of others and the judiciary with respect to the club.

B – Not to assume the presidency of any board or general assembly or of the board of directors of the Zamalek Sports Club while the suspension lasts.

C – Without having your signature in any procedure or correspondence, or anything else, related to the Zamalek Club, especially financial matters or authorization thereof, and the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Sports Club and the members of the Board The Board of Directors must convene the first ordinary general assembly that includes a point for the elections of vacant positions, in particular. Chair seat.

The decision will take effect from its date and all parties will be notified of the complaints subject to the decision.

And that the central administrative authority and the competent administrative authority will be notified of this decision in order to implement their affairs.


Inform the Public Ministry of the facts contained in the investigations – which constitute a criminal offense – in order to comply with their affairs in this regard.

Third :

Inform the Supreme Council for Media Regulation to conduct its affairs regarding what is broadcast on the Zamalek satellite channel of words and phrases that constitute an offense to public shame in violation of the Media Letter of Honor .

We must not fail to point out in this regard that the complaint presented today to the Egyptian Olympic Committee as competent authority in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Zamalek Club against the leaders of the Al-Ahly club immediately took its natural course by referring it to the Club Committee, Sports Authorities and Values ​​to implement your affairs.

And the Egyptian Olympic Committee, while exercising its role established in the Egyptian constitution, law and international statutes, calls upon the masses of those who belong to the sporting community to adhere to the sporting values ​​and ethics that should be characteristic. of all those who belong to the sports environment so that Egyptian sports achieve the desired role in the construction of our beloved Egypt, which is witness to the construction of human beings. Al-Masry, under the guidance and care of the political leadership, who appreciates and supports sport and its values ​​as one of the most important means to build and serve nations.
