We publish the dates for the October salary payment for government employees


12:54 p. M.

Monday 19 October 2020

Books – Mustafa Eid:

The Ministry of Finance will begin to disburse the salaries for this month of October for the workers of the state administrative apparatus on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of the next week.

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Finance announced that October salaries were being disbursed to workers in ministries and agencies and their affiliated bodies within three days, so that workers’ rights to each of them They would be available at the automatic teller machines according to the dates announced in the electronic financial system.

The ministry said it was decided to start disbursing the October salaries for workers in 27 ministries and agencies on Sunday, October 25, then to begin disbursing the salaries of 17 ministries and agencies on Monday, October 26, and then start disbursing the salaries. of 9 ministries and agencies on Tuesday, October 27.

The ministries to which the salaries will be disbursed on Sunday, October 25, include the ministries of health, social solidarity, supplies, transport, communications, labor, war production, immigration, and Egyptian affairs abroad, the public sector. business, affairs of Parliament, the interior, donations, culture and antiques. And housing, commerce and industry, civil aviation, environment, tourism and oil, and the agencies affiliated with these ministries of public service and economic interests and agencies.

The salary disbursement for October next Sunday includes workers from the directorates of health, social solidarity, restoration and commerce, roads and transport, labor, housing and public services.

The independent bodies and agencies that will pay the salaries of their employees on Sunday also include the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, the National Council for Human Rights, the Supreme Press Council, the General Secretariat of the National Defense Council, the General Secretariat of the National Security Council, the Central Audit Organization and the House of Representatives.

The next day, Monday, October 26, salaries will be available at ATMs for employees of the Ministry of Higher Education, Local Development, Justice, Electricity, Planning, Investment, International Cooperation and its affiliated agencies, offices of all governorates, addresses organization and administration and universities of various governorates.

On the same day, employee salaries will be disbursed to various independent bodies and agencies, including the judiciary, the prosecution, the administrative prosecution authority, the State Cases Authority, the State Council, the Administrative Control Authority, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Supreme Constitutional Court, the Fatwa House of Egypt and the Supreme Elections Committee. The Institute of Financial Services, the Central Agency for Organization and Administration

On the third day, Tuesday, October 27, the salaries of the workers of the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Land Recovery, Water Resources and Irrigation, Foreign Relations, Youth and Sports, Finance, and the bodies attached to these ministries will be paid, the directorates of education, agriculture, veterinary medicine, youth and sports of the governorates.

October salaries will also be disbursed that day for workers in the Al-Azhar areas, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Presidency of the Republic and other bodies whose salaries were not spent in the previous two days.
