We bring you the frequency of all educational channels … and resumes broadcast live


The Egyptian state has taken many precautionary measures since returning from studies to protect students from infection with the emerging corona virus, by reducing the number of school days to a minimum to reduce the density of students within classes.

So that the educational process is not weaker, the Ministry launched a series of educational channels that provide lessons for the basic subjects of the stages of primary, preparatory and general secondary education, as well as lessons for Azharite education and technical diplomas.

We show you the frequency of the educational channels and the dates of the educational programs, in their entirety, in Nilesat.

Presentation dates of educational programs:

The curricula are broadcast on educational channels from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., then each episode is repeated twice and broadcast at exactly 8 a.m. the next day.

Frequency of educational channels:

Egypt Education Channel 2020

Frequency: 11747 vertical

Encoding Rate: 27500

Error correction factor: 5/6.

The Egyptian Educational Channel 1

It is for the secondary level and the stage of technical and floral diplomas.

Frequency: 11757 horizontal H

Encoding Rate: 27500

Error correction factor: 5/6.

Educational channel “Our School”

It transmits to the study plans of fourth, fifth and sixth grades of primary school and those of first, second and third intermediate grades.

Polarization and encoding rate 27,500.

Frequency: 12303

The frequency of the educational channel “Ain”

Coding factor: 2500

Frequency: 11564

Polar: vertical

Error correction factor: 5/6.

Egypt direct educational channel:

It is a channel that transmits the curriculum to elementary and middle school students.

Frequency: 12380 horizontal H

Encoding rate: 27500

Error correction factor: 5/6.

The Minister of Education, Dr. Tariq Shawky, stated that 10 television channels have been agreed to broadcast all the lessons and topics announced to the students, and the best teachers in each topic have been selected for presentation, and the student will be able to return to see them on YouTube.

Dr. Tariq Shawky indicated that it was decided to help those who do not have an Internet connection to follow lessons with modern methods, and that all students go to school not to receive lessons, but to carry out “social, sports and cultural activities”, and to discuss what was seen. And learn it electronically through the knowledge bank and digital library, with the expansion of the creation of specialized and educational television channels integrated within the educational system.
